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TechnoRoll, proudly made in Indonesia by Suprabakti Mandiri, is a leading line of conveyor rollers
and pulleys serving the Southeast Asia region. Our high-performance products are made to meet
diverse operating conditions, offering solutions for demanding environments. TechnoRoll has
assisted in moving millions of tons of bulk products over the past ten years.

Suprabakti started TechnoRoll in 2006. TechnoRoll manufacturing facilities are located in Pasar
Kemis, Tangerang, with a total area of 2.5 ha. TechnoRoll production department is staffed by over
100 personnel. 

As of 2022, TechnoRoll operates three production lines specializing in rollers, idler frames, and
pulleys. Our roller product line includes standard steel carry rollers, guide rollers, impact rollers,
return rollers, carry idlers, etc. TechnoRoll also manufactures rollers made from composite such as
standard HDPE, FRAS HDPE, UHMW-PE, and Titanium Reinforcement.

TechnoRoll's products undergo thorough ISO 9001 quality inspections, ensuring our renowned
quality and reliability. Our products are manufactured to ISO, CEMA, JIS, and DIN standards,
reflecting our commitment to manufacturing excellence.


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