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PT Timah Involve Village owned Enterprises on 400 hectares Mines Reclamation

Sat 20 May 2023, 12:00 PM



PT Timah Tbk involves village-owned enterprises (bumdes) in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in reclamation of 400 hectares of ex-mining land, as an implementation of sustainable mining practices by prioritizing the implementation of Good Mining Practice (GMP). "In the first quarter of this year, PT Timah Tbk together with the village-owned enterprises had reclaimed 97.6 hectares or had reached 24.4 percent of the 2023 reclamation plan of 400 hectares," said PT Timah Tbk Head of Corporate Communications Anggi Siahaan in Pangkalpinang, Saturday.

He said PT Timah Tbk is committed to carrying out sustainable mining, one of which is by consistently carrying out reclamation of former mines in the company's operational areas, so that it can boost the economy of the people in this area. "One of the forms of reclamation that has been carried out by PT Timah Tbk is in the Air Jangkang Reclamation Village and Selinssing Reclamation Village," he said.

He stated that the two reclamation villages had become tourist destinations for the people of Bangka and Belitung Islands. Even in the Selinsing Reclamation Village which is managed together with Bumdes Selinsing, it has had an economic impact on the village because it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations visited by residents. "Alhamdulillah, in carrying out this reclamation it has been able to provide an economic impact for the community and also protect the plants that have been planted such as fruit trees such as oranges, avocados and others," he said.

He emphasized that the company is committed to carrying out sustainable environmental management and also providing added value to society. "Sustainable environmental management is one of the company's priorities. So the reclamation program being carried out is not only limited to carrying out its responsibilities but also has an economic impact on the community," he said.


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