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MIND ID Claims Indonesia Has the Largest Copper Reserves in Southeast Asia


Wed 02 Aug 2023, 08:00 AM



MIND ID Corporate Communication Pratiwa Dyatmika said that Indonesia has a lot of copper stocks. In fact, based on his records, copper reserves in Indonesia are the largest in Southeast Asia.

Initially he talked about the many mineral resources spread across Indonesia from Aceh to Papua. However, these mineral products are only sold in raw form so that a downstream policy emerges.

"At the end of this year we will only sell this commodity in raw form. Therefore the president created an additional downstream program," he said in Medan Tuesday (8/7/2023).

He conveyed this at the "MediaMIND 2023" socialization event, an annual journalistic competition held by BUMN MIND ID mining "holding" in collaboration with Perum LKBN ANTARA.

Then he talked about the large amount of copper reserves in Indonesia. Even being the most compared to other countries in Southeast Asia.

"Indonesia has the largest copper reserves in Southeast Asia, in Indonesia we can compare MIND ID with other companies, our gold reserves are the largest, the fourth largest coal reserves in the world, the largest tin reserves in Indonesia. The largest nickel reserves in Indonesia," he explained.

"We can see the contribution to exports of aluminum, PT Inalum plays an important role in 100% of Indonesia's aluminum exports from Inalum," he continued.

VP Smelter Government Relations and External Communication of PT INALUM Fajri Ramadhan said the theme of MediaMIND 2023 is "Giving Added Value to Indonesia". He wants the second journalism competition held by MIND ID to provide added value, not only to journalists but also to MIND ID and the community.

"So it has contributed not only to individual journalists and media, but also to INALUM, MIND ID and the people of North Sumatra and Indonesia," he said.

The MediaMIND 2023 series with the theme "Giving Added Value to Indonesia" begins with the collection of journalistic works for the period 24 July-14 September 2023.

During this period, socialization was carried out in five cities, namely Medan, Kendari, Surabaya, Palembang and Jakarta.

There are four categories of works that are contested, namely "hard news" writing, "feature" writing, news video works and photo works.

All journalistic products submitted by participants must fulfill the following four sub-themes.

Industry, related to MIND ID group technology and innovation and MIND ID strategic projects.

Commodities, related to MIND ID group production and downstream.

Economy and business, related to financial performance, the contribution of the MIND ID group to the national economy, the contribution of the MIND ID group to the regional economy.

ESG (Environmental Social Governance), related to "sustainability" and environmental social responsibility (TJSL).

The total prize for MIND ID winners is more than IDR 300 million.

Image source: Special


Image source: Special

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