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J Resources (PSAB) Discovers New Gold Mine Prospect

Kontan / doc. J Resources

Mon 22 Apr 2024, 15:26 PM



Gold mining company, PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB) found a new gold prospect in the working area of its subsidiary, PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow (JRBM).

President Director of PSAB, Edi Permadi said, this finding is from a review of regional data and initial field exploration results within the JRBM Contract of Work area for 2023.

He explained that the finding is quite promising and has a significant opportunity to be continued to the detailed exploration stage up to the development of a new mining area or pit.

The Bakan mine, which began operating in 2013, with the current number of resources, has a remaining 4-year mine life.

"The discovery of this new gold prospect is expected to be an option to increase the life of the Bakan Mine or even be developed as a new mine," said Edi in an official statement on Friday (19/4).

Furthermore, initial exploration in the form of geological mapping, surface sampling, initial geophysical surveys, ASD (analytical spectral device) studies, metallurgical sampling, initial surveys with drones, and initial modeling was carried out in 2023.

Edi said the initial exploration activities have been completed in an area that obtained a Borrow-to-Use Forest Area Permit (IPPKH) for exploration activities from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2023.

The results of geological mapping and surface sampling in 2023 show a large area of gold mineralization. In addition, the field mapping and surface sample analysis results show a fairly long mineralized area of more than 1.4 km.

Some surface sample results show a 27-meter-long gold mineralization with an average grade of 1.3 g/t at the 1st channel sampling location. Similarly, the 3rd and 5th channel sampling sites show intense gold mineralization, 10m long with an average grade of 1.78 g/t and 5m long with an average gold grade of 2.64 g/t.

A review of initial drilling results also showed good results, in both lateral spread, subsurface vertical spread, and gold mineralization grade. A total of 5 drill holes totaling 527.5m were completed during the initial exploration drilling phase.

This initial drilling data resulted in a fairly long spread of gold mineralization and a fairly high average gold grade. Drill hole number 2 returned a 14m strike length of gold mineralization with an average gold grade of 2.25 g/t.

Drill hole number 4 produced a very high grade, with a strike length of 11.1m and an average gold grade of 12.42g/t. Drill hole 5 also showed good results, with a strike length of 6.05m with an average gold grade of 2.07g/t.

Resource modeling and preliminary metallurgical tests have also been carried out, and show very positive results, including a sizeable exploration target, leaching extraction >88%, and oxide-type gold with QLT (quick leach test) values of more than 80%. The preliminary data shows a very promising prospect to be developed into a mine.

"We hope this discovery can provide added value for PSAB, shareholders, and stakeholders," Edi concluded.

Image source: Kontan / doc. J Resources

Image source: Kontan / doc. J Resources

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