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Perhapi Suggests Government to Secure Ex-PKP2B Land from Unlicensed Miners


Mon 04 Apr 2022, 09:01 AM



The Association of Indonesian Mining Experts (Perhapi) is of the view that the government needs to pay attention to aspects of resource and reserve conservation, acceleration of economic growth, as well as economic equity in shrinking the land of former companies holding Coal Mining Concession Work Agreements (PKP2B).

This was conveyed by the Chairperson of Perhapi Rizal Kasli, when asked for his opinion regarding the phenomenon of land shrinking of former PKP2B holders that occurred in recent times. According to him, the government needs to see the land that was shrunk from the former PKP2B as state assets that must be properly secured.

For this reason, the government needs to strictly maintain the ex-PKP2B land so that it is not later used by unlicensed miners (PETI). The next stage, the government then follows up on the ex-PKP2B land according to applicable regulations: it is auctioned with top priority given to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) or Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) before being auctioned off to third parties in a transparent manner.

"(Illegal mining without a permit) is a loss for the State because the State will not get anything from the PETI operations and it is the responsibility of the State in the future to repair the environmental damage it causes," said Rizal to Kontan.co.id (4/4). ).

In the last few years, land reduction has been carried out several times for a number of companies holding PKP2B. Most recently, land shrinkage was carried out in the mining concession of PT Multi Harapan Utama (MHU).

After obtaining an extension of the coal mine production operating permit for 10 years, the company's concession area, whose PKP2B period expired on April 1, 2022, was set at 30,409 ha or decreased by 23.92%. Previously, MHU's land was recorded at 39,972 ha.

According to Kontan.co.id's records, in the future there are still two of the seven first generation PKP2Bs waiting for the extension of the operating license. The two companies are PT Kideco Jaya Agung (47,500 ha/13 March 2023), and PT Berau Coal (108.009/26 April 2025).

Source: https://industri.kontan.co.id/news/perhapi-sarankan-pemerintah-amankan-lahan-eks-pkp2b-dari-penambang-tanpa-izin


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