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Targeting GREEN PROPER, Sustainable Environmental Management Continues to be Spurred by PT Agincourt Resources


Mon 04 Jul 2022, 07:02 AM



PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the manager of the Martabe Gold Mine, continues to aim for a GREEN rating for the PROPER assessment through improving the quality of environmental management and biodiversity. To achieve this, PTAR has made various efforts to increase PROPER achievements from BLUE to GREEN, including controlling air and water pollution, managing toxic hazardous waste (B3), potential damage to mining areas, waste management, B3 material management, management non-B3 waste, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

PTAR Deputy General Manager Operations, Wira Dharma Putra, said PTAR supports the government's program to reduce 29% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on its own and 41% of emissions GHGs with international support by 2030. PTAR will also carry out its commitment to support the government's efforts towards net zero emission and comply with government regulations related to energy efficiency and GHG emission reduction.

"The goal of PTAR going forward is to get a GREEN PROPER and we hope to achieve this by increasing the focus on biodiversity conservation and energy projects, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions," said Wira. Most recently, PTAR held an Environment Day seminar with the theme “Energy Efficiency Strategy and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions” on 27 June 2022 online and an online seminar “Towards a Green PROPER for the Earth's Future” on 29 June 2022 in Medan.

The two seminar themes in the context of World Environment Day are in line with the commitment and spirit of sustainable development which is the basic principle of PTAR in carrying out its operations. The seminar was attended by the North Sumatra Environmental Service (DLH), North Sumatra Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office, South Tapanuli DLH, and a number of mining companies.

In managing the environment and biodiversity, PTAR follows and implements all aspects of Good Mining Practice in accordance with applicable regulations. PTAR has also collaborated in the fields of education, science, research, and biodiversity conservation with several universities, including the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), National University (Unas) Jakarta, North Sumatra University (USU), South Tapanuli Muhammadiyah University (UMTS). ), and Aufa Royhan University in Padang Sidempuan.
Activities that have been carried out include surveying the composition and diversity of flora and fauna in Batangtoru as well as Pre-Land Clearing Fauna Inspection training with forestry experts from the USU Faculty of Forestry.  On a regular basis, the Integrated Team together with the PTAR Department of Environment monitor the quality of the residual water by taking water samples from the Batangtoru River.

Fulfillment of the quality of the residual water from the Martabe Gold Mine process according to the quality standard based on the Decree of the Minister of the Environment No. 202/2004 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards for Gold and/or Copper Ore Mining Business and/or Activities, as well as Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.68/MENLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards. In the Martabe Gold Mine area, PTAR has a nursery facility to assist the Reclamation Program in the final land area by providing supplies of native Batangtoru tree species.

“We continue to ensure that every tree we plant is the best seed and we will take care of it regularly. Every year, a team from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reviews and assesses the success rate of reclamation plant growth and the overall condition of the area to ensure that our company's reclamation and revegetation activities are carried out properly," said Wira. To date, PTAR has planted more than 41,000 tree seedlings, while the number of local plant seeds prepared at the nursery facility is more than 5,000 seedlings.

The Head of North Sumatra DLH, Tengku Dianingrum, said that PROPER was needed to remind the commitment of business actors in managing the environment in order to achieve a sustainable environment. PROPER is also needed to improve the arrangement in controlling environmental impacts around the mine site and encourage the realization of sustainable environmental development.

“Environmental restoration aims to preserve the environment, which is our collective work. We must have a mindset to contribute to realizing net zero emissions. So what needs to be done is to use alternative fuels with lower carbon emissions, such as biomass and biofuels,” said Tengku.  The North Sumatra Department of Energy and Mineral Resources expressed a positive appreciation for PTAR. Head of the Mineral and Coal Division of the North Sumatra ESDM Office, Budi Batubara, said PTAR is the only gold commodity metal mineral mining business that is already producing in North Sumatra and has made a significant contribution. Throughout 2021, PTAR contributed 96% of the total non-tax state revenue (PNBP) for mining.

Source: https://kliksumut.com/targetkan-proper-hijau-pengelolaan-lingkungan-berkelanjutan-terus-dipacu-pt-agincourt-resources/


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