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Commitment to Implement ESG and Good Mining Practices, Adaro Indonesia Receives Platinum Award from E2S


Mon 01 Aug 2022, 14:14 PM



PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO), through its subsidiary PT Adaro Indonesia Tambang Balangan, South Kalimantan, has won an award with Platinum predicate from the Energy and Mining Editor Society (E2S). The Kalulut Palace social and environmental responsibility program was the best in the “Sustainability Program” category at the E2S Proving League 2022.

Febriati Nadira, Head of Corporate Communication at Adaro Energy, said that the Kalulut Palace Program is Adaro Indonesia's flagship CSR program. This community empowerment program, which is primarily based on environmental sustainability, has proven to be able to have a positive impact on the environment, economy and society.  

According to Nadira, Adaro Indonesia, as one of the largest coal mining companies in Indonesia, always applies ESG (environment, social, governance) and good mining practices (good and correct mining practices). 
The environment and community have always been an important part of mine planning. One of the references is the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 1 of 2021 concerning the Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management or commonly called Proper. To date, Adaro Indonesia has managed to get Gold Proper 4 times, namely in 2012, 2019, 2020 and 2021, among others through our flagship CSR program, the Kalulut Palace Program.

“We are proud of the award given by the E2S Forum in the form of a Platinum Rank Award in the Sustainability Program Category in the Proving League event. This award will further spur Adaro to continue to present various sustainability programs, while continuing to carry out its role as a provider of energy sources for development," said Nadira, Sunday (31/7/2022).

Kalulut Palace is a Kalulut honey cultivation group with Garang Tama or Itama Honeycomb Reproduction. Garang Tama has changed people's behavior from resource extraction by illegal logging to cultivation. "The foster partner or local hero of Istana Kalulut is Mr. Maskuni," said Firmansyah, CSR Section Head of Adaro Indonesia. Maskuni and Firmansyah appeared on behalf of Adaro Indonesia at a presentation at the E2S Proving League which involved three judges, namely Risna Resnawaty (CSR expert and Head of the Social Welfare Study Program FISIP Universitas Padjadjaran, energy observer and Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, and Deputy Leader World Editor of Energy Lili Hermawan).

According to Firmansyah, the "Istana Kalulut" program is the implementation of PT Adaro Indonesia's CSR program which began in 2018. In the Kalulut Palace program, Adaro Indonesia seeks to change the mindset and behavior of the community, which initially harvested honey by hunting and felling trees, turning it into harvesting. with cultivation. 

The output of this program is an increase in the number of Kalulut bee farmers, a decrease in the number of trees cut in the PT Adaro Indonesia reclamation area, and the community utilizing Kalulut bee cultivation as their livelihood. In addition, the Kalulut Palace is a center for Kalulut cultivation education.

"Through the Kalulut Palace Program, we are trying to encourage the community to cultivate and social innovation in the form of ways to develop Kalulut honey that can be carried out post-mining so that the duplication results can benefit the community," he said.  

The Kalulut Palace Program is one of the programs that Adaro Indonesia continues to foster in relation 
to disaster sensitivity for the empowerment of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the company's operational areas. This was done with a focus on Kalulut honey products which can be used as supplements to support the prevention and control of Covid-19.

Risna Resnawaty, Chair of the E2S Proving League 2022 Jury, said that the CSR programs included in the 2022 Proving League are very special and have a tremendous impact on the community around the company's operational locations. "Each program has its own advantages, uniqueness, and characteristics based on the needs and solutions to problems that arise in the community," he said.

Adaro is one of 22 participants and gold candidates for PROPER 2020-2021 in the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) sector participating in the 2022 E2S Proving League entitled "CSR Collaboration: Building Community Resilience and Local Livelihoods Generation" which was held on Saturday-Sunday , 23-24 July 2022.

Source: https://investor.id/business/301465/komitmen-terapkan-esg-dan-good-mining-practises-adaro-indonesia-raih-penghargaan-platinum-dari-e2s


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