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Berau Coal Supports Scholarships to Improve Local Human Resources


Thu 29 Sep 2022, 10:00 AM



Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic again handed over full scholarships to 43 students and 2 instructors, along with the agenda of the New Student Mental and Physical Development (Bintalsik) activities.

The agenda was attended by high-ranking officials of PT Berau Coal, Director of Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic, Commander of Squadron 13 Serbu, representatives of PT Berau Coal's partners, Berau Regent Sri Juniarsih, and Speaker of the Berau Dprd Madri Pani.

Berau Regent Sri Juniarsih, who participated in handing over the scholarship, also appreciated the commitment of PT Berau Coal Sinar Mas which has contributed optimally in improving human resources (HR) in Berau Regency, through vocational education that is currently being carried out.

Moreover, before studying at the Sinar Ma Berau Coal Polytechnic, new students were also equipped with bintalsik to train mentally, physically and discipline.

"I really appreciate and am quite proud of the Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic. Moreover, many of the new students entered through the scholarship route from Berau Coal," he explained.

As for the regent's hope, these students can study well and earnestly at the polytechnic.

So, when you graduate, you will be ready to enter the world of work, in accordance with the scientific field you are engaged in.

At the same place, the Chairman of dharma Bhakti Berau Coal Foundation, Horas Parsaulian Pardede, said that as many as 86 new students entered the polytechnic as many as 43 who entered through the scholarship route.

He continued, PT Berau Coal also provided scholarships to the instructors of the Sinar Mas Berau Coal Polytechnic who would continue their Master's further education.

"This is a form of the company's commitment in order to support the progress of education in Berau Regency, especially local young women," he explained.

Source: https://kaltim.tribunnews.com/2022/09/26/berau-coal-dukung-beasiswa-dan-bintalsik-untuk-tingkatkan-sdm-lokal


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