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Largest In History, Indonesia Coal Export to Europe


Wed 05 Oct 2022, 08:30 AM



The first largest in history, coal exports from Indonesia to Europe reached a fantastic amount. The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) noted that Indonesia's coal exports to Europe reached up to 3.5 million tons to 4 million tons until October 2022.

As is known, Europe is indeed in need of coal raw materials for its country's electricity energy needs in the midst of the energy crisis that is sweeping the European Union countries.

Coal from Indonesia became a substitution for European imports when these countries imposed economic sanctions in the form of stopping coal from Russia, which was their mainstay.

Executive Director of APBI, Hendra Sinadia said, referring to unofficial data, until October 2022, there were already nearly 4 million tons of coal to be shipped to several countries in Europe.

Hendra said, compared to previous years, the volume of Indonesian coal exports to Europe is usually less than 1 million tons per year. "Of course, there is a significant increase in the number. This is not an official figure yet, if indeed the amount (4 million tons) is the largest (in history)," explained Hendra, on Tuesday (4/9/2022).

Hendra cannot say for sure which European countries order coal from Indonesia. What is clear is that the news obtained by Hendra, Indonesia's coal exports to European countries were sent to Poland, the Netherlands, Greece, Spain to Germany. "Exactly how much is reported to be 3.5 million tons - 4 million tons," said Hendra.

State Revenues from Coal 'Exploded'The

soaring prices of mining commodities have had a real impact on state revenues, including Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP). The realization of state revenues from the mineral and coal mining sector (minerba) has now reached IDR 118.34 trillion or 279.32% of the planned 2022 revenue target of IDR 42.37 trillion.

This is based on data from Minerba One Data Indonesia (MODI) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), as of Monday, October 3, 2022. "The 2022 state revenue plan is IDR 42.37 trillion. The realization of IDR 118.34 trillion or 279.32%," modi wrote the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, quoted on Monday (03/10/2022).

Of the state revenues in the mineral and coal mining sector, the majority or about 70%-80% comes from coal mining and the rest are minerals, such as nickel, copper, gold, tin, and others.

The highest income occurred in July 2022, reaching IDR 12.55 trillion for the sale of mining products, then royalties of IDR 7.4 trillion, land leases (deadrent) of IDR 0.04 trillion, and other income of IDR 0.1 trillion.

For September 2022, it was recorded that the sales of new mining products amounted to IDR 5.54 trillion, royalties of IDR 7.15 trillion, deadrent of IDR 0.03 trillion, and other income of IDR 0.03 trillion.

Nevertheless, the September data is still potentially updated.

As is known, coal prices have skyrocketed since the beginning of this year, especially when the Russo-Ukrainian War broke out on February 24, 2022. The price of coal had reached its peak on September 5, 2022 of US$ 463.75. Although it has decreased afterwards, the price of coal is still holding above US$ 400 per ton.

In the last trade last week, Friday (30/9/2022), the price of the November contract coal in the Ice Newcastle market closed at US$ 407.7 per ton. The price fell 0.38%. However, this week coal prices are expected to still move in the lower range of US $ 400 per ton.

Bank Mandiri Industry Analyst Ahmad Zuhdi estimates that coal prices will move in the range of US $ 410 per ton. For the record, coal prices have never left the level of US $ 400 per ton since August 12, 2022.

"Looking at the sentiment, it turns out that it is still strong and coal is still said to be the cheapest energy, we see that it will still be above US $ 400 per ton, the deepest around US $ 410," Zuhdi told CNBC Indonesia.

Source: https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20221004092442-4-376984/terbesar-dalam-sejarah-ekspor-batu-bara-ri-berlayar-ke-eropa


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