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Mega Eltra Ready to Ship 63,000 Metric Tons of Coal to Petrochemical Gresik


Thu 06 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM


To meet the needs of Petrochemical Gresik energy raw materials, PT Mega Eltra is ready to send 63,000 metric tons of coal.

This subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has won a coal procurement tender held by PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG).

Director of Commercial and Operations of PT Mega Eltra, Indrajaya said that Mega Eltra has won the coal procurement tender with a minimum calorific value of 4,600 Kcal. The procurement of coal is intended, among others, for the utility or energy of the fertilizer plant.

"This is a tangible form of our commitment in fulfilling the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) and also synergy within the Pupuk Indonesia Group in supporting Indonesia's economic growth," said Indrajaya.

Indrajaya explained that this coal shipment was carried out in 11 shipments, using barges that had a load capacity of approximately 5,700 metric tons, there were also those who used barges with a load capacity of approximately 7,500 metric tons of coal, where these conditions were very dependent on the condition of the high water level and the depth of the pier at the coal loading site.

Currently, Indrajaya said that PT Mega Eltra has completed the delivery of coal with the aim of a Special Port owned by PT Petrokimia Gresik in Gresik as much as approximately 63,000 metric tons on time in accordance with the agreement that has been mutually agreed between PT Mega Eltra and PT Petrokimia Gresik.

"The synergy between PT Mega Eltra and PT Petrokimia Gresik is a good opportunity in developing future business processes and can increase contributions for all parties," said Indrajaya.

Source: https://www.tribunnews.com/bisnis/2022/10/03/mega-eltra-siap-kirim-63000-metrik-ton-batubara-ke-petrokimia-gresik


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