Cokal (CKA) has hit a new milestone at the Bumi Barito Mineral (BBM) coking coal mine.
Cokal is an Australian listed company which aims to become a metallurgical coal producer with a global presence.
It has interests in four projects in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, with each considered prospective for metallurgical coal. The BBM site is held jointly by Cokal and the Government of Indonesia.
The company’s contractors have now begun overburden removal in the Pit 3 Mining Area, which was originally scheduled to commence in late August.
Cokal told shareholders that as part of the development of BBM a test pit had been undertaken to verify the coal formations, provide guidance for mining the first cut, and confirm the quality of the coal.
Meanwhile, the haul road is continuing to be upgraded, while the Krajan Jetty preparation is nearing completion.
Cokal said development is continuing to advance rapidly, with first saleable coking coal production on track for September 2022.
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Cokal (ASX:CKA) achieves new milestone at BBM Mine, Indonesia
Thu 20 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM