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United Tractors (UNTR) Collaborates with IPB to Reduce Carbon Emissions


Fri 23 Dec 2022, 08:00 AM



At the end of 2022, PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR), or UT signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) at the IPB Campus Forest Park, Bogor Regency, West Java, Thursday (12/15/2022). The signing of this MoU is related to cooperation in implementing biodiversity programs to reduce carbon emissions (carbon set-off).

Head of Corporate Sustainability and Governance of United Tractors, Sara K. Loebis revealed, through this collaboration, UT and IPB are committed to implementing a biodiversity program to create a carbon sequestration mechanism to achieve UT's carbon emission reduction target by 2030.

Reducing carbon emissions, part of the company's target in implementing sustainable business principles through the implementation of environmental, social, governance (ESG) aspects. In this program, ESG implementation is under UT's CSR pillar for the environment, namely UTREES (United Tractors for Nature and Environment Sustainability).

"This collaboration is one of the milestones for UT to make a real contribution to the environment around the company's operational area. UT and IPB with their respective advantages are committed to exchanging knowledge and technology to jointly support the government's target of achieving net zero emissions by 2060," said Sara K. Loebis.

The main program outlined in the MoU between UT and IPB is the conservation of 20 hectares of IPB campus forests, with reforestation of 15,000 trees. In addition, until 2026, UT targets this collaboration to be able to provide a sustainable environmental impact by preparing other programs.

Starting from basic calculations for reducing carbon emissions, improving facilities in the IPB campus forest environment, conservation of flora and fauna including protected fauna breeding. Among them, Timor Deer which currently number 19 and Bali Starlings which number 6, to the development of edu-ecotourism areas.

In addition, United Tractors also pays attention to the welfare and economic sustainability of the surrounding community by developing economic programs through the involvement of farmer groups in the care and management of fruit tree planting products carried out this year, so as to provide added value from the economic side for the community.

"I think this support from Dr UT is indispensable. There is a Folu Net Sink 2030 target that needs to be achieved by the government with the support of all parties including the private sector. Later, IPB will register UT with the National Registration System (SRN) so that UT can claim the amount of carbon emissions that have been successfully suppressed in this program," Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat.

Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat added, in this collaboration, IPB will play a role in caring for trees to calculate the baseline and the amount of carbon emission reduction obtained. From the current baseline calculation, 15,000 trees from UT are targeted to reduce the carbon emission burden between 1,200 and 2,400 tons of carbon within 5 to 10 years with a land area of 20 hectares.

As a form of compliance, this collaboration program also receives direct supervision from the Bogor Region 1 Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). Head of BKSDA Bogor, Lana Sari said that the government needs more similar programs coming from the private sector to be able to help the government realize the net zero emission target.

The collaboration between UT and IPB supported by the Karya Bakti United Tractors Foundation (YKBUT) is realized by planting trees in the forest area of the IPB campus. There are seven types of trees planted: Meranti, Honey Jackfruit, Pearl Guava, Matoa, Rambutan Binjai, Kemang, and Red Guava. These seven types of plants were chosen because they have the ability to high carbon sequestration.

Through this collaboration, UT aims to make all of the company's social and environmental contribution efforts effectively beneficial and provide added value to stakeholders and society. Therefore, collaboration and integration of the world of education and the industrial world play an important role in responding to environmental and social challenges in the future.

The signing of the MoU was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment IPB, Naresworo Nugroho; Head of the Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism IPB, Nyoto Santoso; Leader of the IPB Campus Forest Park Farmer Group, Sutopo; and CSR & Communication Department Head of UT, Himawan Sutanto.

On October 13, 2022, United Tractors turns 50 years old to become a domestic company in the fields of heavy equipment, mining, and world-class energy that continues to contribute to having a positive impact on the nation and the country both in terms of business and social and environment.

The reforestation of 15,000 trees in the IPB Campus Forest Park fulfilled 50,000 trees as part of the UT 50th Anniversary series. This reforestation is a company initiative in preventing extreme climate change and creating a better environmental future for the Indonesian nation.

Tree planting has been going on throughout the year throughout Indonesia, especially UT's operational areas in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua.

"As part of the momentum series of UT's 50th Anniversary, we launched 10 United Tractors Sustainability Aspirations in 2030 as the company's roadmap in implementing sustainable business and ESG implementation. These aspirations can be accessed entirely by the public openly through the company's website," said Sara K. Loebis.

On the environmental aspect, UT targets to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions scope 1 and 2 by 30%, 22% renewable energy mix to support operational activities, more efficient and effective water management in each business unit category, and solid waste management up to 62%.

On the social aspect, UT supports diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the company, achieves zero labor fatality and LTI level of 0.093, and reaches 750,000 beneficiaries through community development programs to create added value.

In terms of governance, UT maintains business resilience by increasing non-coal revenues by up to 50%, supporting diversity and inclusivity at the executive, board of directors, board of commissioners, and strengthening corporate governance with international standards to maintain the principles of good corporate governance (GCG).

Image source: dok. ist.

Source: https://www.emitennews.com/news/united-tractors-untr-jalin-kerja-sama-dengan-ipb-turunkan-emisi-karbon/17


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