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PT GNI Will Investigate Anarchist Actions in Demonstrations


Mon 16 Jan 2023, 09:20 AM



PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) will conduct a thorough investigation into the incident of a demonstration that led to a riot that occurred in the GNI Industrial Estate in Petasia District, North Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi, on Saturday (14/1/ 2023). The riot resulted in 2 fatalities and brought the company's activities to a halt.

"We deeply regret this incident. The company will coordinate with the authorities to investigate the incident. This is not only detrimental to the company and employees because factory operations have to stop, but also to the community around the industrial area," said Head of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT GNI Muknis Basri Assegaf through an official statement, Monday (16/1/2023).

Muknis revealed that on Sunday (15/1/2023), a meeting was held which was attended by the Director of Intelligence for the Central Sulawesi Regional Police and the Secretary of Morut Musda Guntur who was accompanied by the Head of the Morut Police and the Dandim of Morowali and North Morowali.

"During the meeting, all parties regretted the incident which caused damage and harmed many parties, both the company, employees and residents around the factory who were affected by their daily activities," he added.

Regarding the circulating issue of mistreatment by unscrupulous foreign workers (TKA) against Indonesian workers (TKI) and violence against women workers, Muknis stressed that this issue was not true.

The attack on the employees occurred during the factory's operating hours so that activities stopped and caused severe damage and looting in the mess of 100 employees of local workers, women and foreign workers. As well as around 6 heavy equipment and operational vehicles belonging to the company caught fire.

“They also attacked foreign workers to stop working. And after riots arose, they then burned and looted the mess of local women workers, to the point where they looted the mess of the TNI and then set it on fire," he said.

Muknis said that during the series of actions the North Morowali Police managed to secure 70 suspected perpetrators. Due to this incident, there were around 9 people injured, and 2 people died (1 local worker and 1 foreign worker).

In addition, several other parties, such as the Regent of Morut Delis Julkasson Hehi and the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Rudy Sufahriadi all agreed that they regretted the riot and asked the authorities to thoroughly investigate the perpetrators involved. All parties also agreed that in the future something like this should not happen again.

"The company also suffered quite a lot of material losses, especially a number of our heavy equipment and the workers' mess which was burnt by the mob. We are committed to thoroughly investigating and conducting an investigation to find a bright spot in this case," he concluded.

Source: https://investor.id/industry-trade/319190/pt-gni-akan-investigasi-aksi-anarkis-dalam-unjuk-rasa


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