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AMMAN Smelter Contributes the Largest Investment in West Nusa Tenggara in 2022


Wed 01 Feb 2023, 09:12 AM



The AMMAN smelter construction project carried out by PT Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN) contributed the largest investment in NTB in 2022. Investment realization in NTB in 2022 reached IDR 21.606 trillion. This exceeds the national target of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) of IDR 18.5 trillion and the target of the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPMJD) of IDR 15.4 trillion.

Based on the accumulation of Domestic Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA), West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) is in first place with a total realized investment of IDR 14.61 trillion. Followed by Dompu Regency Rp. 3.28 trillion and Mataram City Rp. 1.60 trillion. In a press conference some time ago, the Head of the NTB One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPM-PTSP) Mohammad Rum said the investment target charged to the NTB Provincial Government in 2023 was even higher, namely IDR 22 trillion. "Investment from the smelter that AMIN worked on was the biggest contributor to West Sumbawa Regency for investment realization in NTB last year, as well as in 2023.

Various efforts will be made to achieve the investment realization target, including providing convenience in permitting investors to invest in NTB. Apart from that, we also provide guidance, supervision, and acceleration of realization for investors, especially national strategic projects, one example of which is the smelter," explained Rum. Regarding the contribution of the smelter, President Director of AMMAN Rachmat Makkasau said this achievement illustrates the company's commitment to supporting economic growth. "This achievement is the result of a joint collaboration where we see enormous support for smelter construction, both from the central and regional governments," he said.

Rachmat hopes that support from the government will continue to be given to AMMAN so that the smelter project can continue to run in parallel with operational business activities. So that other big projects that will increase the investment value can be realized. "Apart from supporting the NTB Province in achieving its 2023 investment target, this is also in line with the statement from the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Mr. Airlangga Hartarto last Monday, who will continue to encourage the realization of the National Strategic Project (PSN) by resolving obstacles related to licensing for investment," said Rachmat.

Source: https://lombokpost.jawapos.com/ntb/01/02/2023/pembangunan-smelter-amman-sumbang-investasi-terbesar-di-ntb-tahun-2022/


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