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Arsari Tambang's tin metal sales reached 5,342 tons in 2022


Wed 22 Mar 2023, 12:00 PM



Arsari Tambang's (AT's) tin metal sales reached 5,342 tons throughout the year 2022, the company's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Aryo Djojohadikusumo stated. "PT Mitra Stania Bemban is preparing to complete the required documents for the preparation of the RKAB (Work Plan and Budget)," Aryo noted in a statement on Wednesday.

AT oversees several tin mining companies: PT Mitra Stania Prima (MSP), PT Mitra Stania Kemingking (MSK), PT Mitra Stania Bemban (MSB), and PT AEGA Prima. Aryo elaborated that PT MSP's tin production last year had reached 3,359 tons, while PT MSK clocked a total production of 1,023 tons, and PT Aega Prima, 960 tons. Aryo remarked that this year, the company is optimistic about tin production increasing again despite the threat of a global economic recession.

"Other subsidiaries are also continuing exploration programs to increase resources and reserves for the continuation of Arsari Tambang's business to provide foreign exchange to the country," he stated. Indonesia has long been known as one of the world's main tin producers. Most of the mineral resource reserves are located in Bangka Belitung Islands that can be called as the largest tin-producing area in Indonesia. The Bangkinang area, Riau Province, is the other major producer. Moreover, a village in the Riau Islands is the largest tin producer in Indonesia. The village is called Dabo that is located on Singkep Island.

The region is also an area that holds extensive tin reserves. Citing the Fitch Solution data, Indonesia is listed as the second-largest tin mining producer in the world after China. In 2021, Indonesia's tin commodity production amounted to 83 thousand tons. This figure was equivalent to 26 percent of the world's total mining production. Meanwhile, according to United States Geological Survey (USGS) data, Indonesia's tin reserves were estimated to reach 800 thousand tons in 2021. This figure also makes Indonesia the second-largest owner of tin reserves in the world after China. 

Source: https://en.antaranews.com/news/276327/arsari-tambangs-tin-metal-sales-reached-5342-tons-in-2022


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