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Abundant Gold Reserves, Archi Indonesia (ARCI) Plans to Work on Underground Mining


Thu 22 Jun 2023, 08:00 AM



PT Archi Indonesia Tbk ( ARCI ) plans to carry out underground mining in its concession area located in North Sulawesi.

Through this plan, ARCI Management will become one of the gold mining companies that carry out both open pit and underground mining simultaneously.

Main Director of Archi Indonesia, Rudy Suhendra explained, previously ARCI's management had focused more on mining through the open pit method. Then with the new board of directors and the results of drilling data that have been realized since 2019 until now, it shows a very high potential to carry out underground mining.

Currently, ARCI's subsidiaries, namely PT Meares Soputan Mining (MSM) and Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN) already have a Contract of Work (KK) mining permit covering an area of ​​39,817 hectares and have been granted an underground exploration permit.  

Rudy explained that ARCI's land concession is divided into three areas, namely the West Corridor, Central Corridor and East Corridor.

Exploration activities carried out by ARCI through its Subsidiaries PT MSM and PT TTN, focus on increasing additional discovery potential around the currently operating mining pits in the East Corridor area and gold mineral drilling in the West Corridor area.

Based on drilling activities carried out by Archi Indonesia, they saw gold veins in the eastern region, which have the same characteristics in the western and central regions. Therefore, in the 2022 Annual Report, ARCI Management stated that this underground mining exploration would be carried out in the West Corridor and East Corridor areas.

"Currently, we are hiring an underground project. We have spoken with well-known contractor companies for underground mining so they can start this project at the end of the year," he said in a public expose that was witnessed virtually, Monday (19/6).

He hopes that this undergroung mining plan can start running in 2024 and have a big impact on increasing gold reserves.

Rudy also openly invited investors who were interested in joining the development of ARCI's gold mine at today's public expose.

He invited those who are interested to ask more details and have further discussions regarding underground mining to ask directly to the ARCI Corporate Secretary and related management. "So that later ladies and gentlemen can visit the office to discuss further and at the same time see our gold, hopefully we can buy it soon," he said.

Image source: Archi Indonesia

Source: https://industri.kontan.co.id/news/cadangan-emas-melimpah-archi-indonesia-arci-rencanakan-garap-underground-mining


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