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National Alumina Smelter Construction 68% Progress


Wed 04 Oct 2023, 12:00 PM



PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia received a working visit from the Deputy Minister of BUMN of the Republic of Indonesia Kartiko Wirjoatmodjo in the Mempawah Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR) construction area, West Kalimantan.

The visit is a step by the Ministry of BUMN in supporting the implementation of national strategic projects to meet alumina needs in Indonesia.

During the visit, Deputy Minister Kartiko reviewed the progress of the Smelter construction, which had begun the construction process in 2019. During the visit, it was seen that the progress of the Mempawah SGAR construction had reached 68 percent, with a target of completion in 2024.

The SGAR project will connect the supply chain between the bauxite ore mineral (West Kalimantan) and the aluminum smelting plant (INALUM).

If it is operational, it is calculated that it can produce 1 million tons of alumina per year (raw material 3.3 million tons of bauxite per year). It is targeted to start production in 2024 and reach full production capacity in 2025.

The Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery in Mempawah is a strategic project carried out collaboratively by Inalum and Antam through Inalum's subsidiary, namely PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia (BAI).

SGAR Mempawah is part of INALUM's corporate action in creating an integrated aluminum industry ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

Inalum hopes to continue to get support from all stakeholders so that Indonesia's dreams can be achieved quickly and national aluminum downstreaming can quickly be realized.

Present during the visit were MIND ID Portfolio and Business Development Director Dilo Seno Widagdo and PT INALUM Main Director Danny Praditya, INALUM Business Development Director Melati Sarnita and BAI Main Director Leonard Manurung.

Several other corporate actions were carried out by Inalum in order to increase production capacity in response to the high potential of the national aluminum market which currently has a demand of up to 1 million tons.

These projects include the Reduction Furnace Technology Upgrading Project which will be completed in 2023, the Kuala Tanjung Smelter Optimization which is targeted to increase production capacity in 2024-2025 and the IAA Aluminum Remelt Diversification Project.

Image source: pewarta.co

Source: www.pewarta.co/Pembangunan Smelter Alumina 68 Persen Hilirisasi Industri Aluminium Nasional Hampir Lengkap


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