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National Coal Production in 2023 Potentially Exceed Target


Fri 13 Oct 2023, 12:00 PM



National coal production this year is projected to increase. 

Director of Coal Business Development at the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Lana Saria, revealed that currently the process of revising the Work Plans and Expenditure Budgets (RKAB) for mining companies is still ongoing. 

From existing applications as of July 2023, coal production is predicted to increase from the national production target set at 694.5 million tons. 

"With the planned revision of the RKAB or changes to coal production from the RKAB at the beginning of 2023, it is predicted that it will increase to approximately 32 million tons," said Lana to Kontan, Monday (9/10). 

However, Lana confirmed that the government has no plans to revise the national coal production target this year. 

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources noted that coal production until August 2023 was 500.83 million tons or 72.11% of the national coal production plan of 694.50 million tons. 

Meanwhile, based on production realization data up to October 2023, production was recorded at 567.20 million tons or 81.67% of the national coal production plan of 694.50 million tons. 

Lana explained that there were a number of challenges in production activities during the first nine months of this year, including increasing coal production costs, fluctuations or rising and falling trends in coal prices and bad weather factors in several regions in Indonesia.

Image source: KONTAN/Muradi

Source: www.industri.kontan.co.id/Produksi Batubara Nasional Tahun 2023 Berpotensi Melebihi Target


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