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PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry Collaborates for Labor Market Expansion

PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry

Fri 03 Nov 2023, 08:00 AM



PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry establishes work expansion cooperation as an ongoing effort to have a positive impact on the country's economy.

PT GNI has been established since 2019 in North Morowali, Central Sulawesi. The company is based on the smelter industry with products in the form of Nickel Pig Iron (NPI).

As a leading company that continues to grow, PT GNI opens opportunities for new workers to join. In line with this, PT GNI collaborates with the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) and the North Morowali Regional Government for the expansion of labor market information.

The goal is for a competent workforce to become part of PT Gunbuster Nickel and innovate together. The realization of this cooperation such as the development of technology facilities in the field of service and placement of workers.

Not only that, the SIAPkerja platform was also built as a follow-up effort to this collaboration. The SIAPkerja platform itself is an intertwining of cooperation in the industrial area and in order to keep up with technological developments, SIAPkerja can also be accessed through applications.

Before discussing further about the cooperation with PT Gunbuster, it would be nice to first look at the profile of this company, including the products and technology used by PT GNI. Here is the full review:

PT GNI Company Profile

Tony Zhou Yuan is the figure behind PT GNI, which is a Chinese businessman who serves as Director of PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry.

In particular, PT GNI is engaged in smelter, which is a processing and refining facility for mining products with the aim of increasing metal content. Although the specifications are different, the fields worked on by the two companies are still on the same track.

In accordance with its vision, PT GNI will continue to innovate in order to become the number one smelter industry in Indonesia as its slogan "Second to None". In addition, the company also strives to continue to provide the best in adding value to nickel products.

Despite being a company that has not been operating for a long time, PT Gunbuster has become one of the leading companies in Indonesia. Therefore, this company must have quality production results and continue to be developed.

PT GNI uses advanced technology

One of the advantages in the production process of PT GNI is the use of RKEF technology (Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace) which is an environmentally friendly technology used by PT GNI.

Not without reason why PT Gunbuster Nickel chose to use RKEF technology. RKEF technology is widely used by nickel smelter companies based operations in Indonesia.

Based on overall calculations, the RKEF used by PT GNI has many advantages. One of them is the claim that the work is faster with maximum results.

This environmentally friendly technology was chosen by PT GNI in order to continue to innovate and create high-value products. Thus, the objectives of the cooperation between PT GNI, the Ministry of Manpower, and the North Morowali Regional Government can be maximized.

PT GNI Product List

In Indonesia, nickel is one of the valuable mining commodities. In fact, Indonesia is listed as the country with the largest nickel reserves in the world.

With this potential, the Indonesian government seeks to increase the value of nickel exports. So one of the downstreaming carried out is through PT Gunbuster. The realization is to process nickel so that Indonesia does not only export raw materials.

Since raw material export activities are no longer allowed, then the next nickel exports will be product-based. So that's what PT GNI does, which is to produce processed nickel products which can then be exported.

The main product of PT Gunbuster Nickel is Nickel Pig Iron (NPI). Furthermore, this product is the basic material for stainless steel products - products that we certainly use a lot in our daily lives.

Nickel has long been the basic material for tools used by humans. Even nickel materials have been used since royal times such as in the use of krises.

The factor that differs the use of nickel material then and now is its quality. This is where PT Gunbuster plays a role in creating higher quality nickel products. As a result, we can enjoy nickel-based products with reliable durability.

Before becoming ready-to-use products, the origin of PT GNI is NPI or Nickel Pig Iron. Although both are the result of nickel processing with other types of nickel ore processing, these products have many differences in terms of nickel content, process, and additional raw materials used.

PT Gunbuster Nickel's products are in the form of Nickel Pig Iron (NPI). This product has a nickel content of about 10 to 12%. NPI nickel content. 

PT GNI Work Safety Procedures

The process of processing and refining nickel ore certainly requires a process that is not short and also full of risks. Especially when looking at the fact that this processing uses complex equipment.

In line with this risk, PT GNI highly prioritizes worker safety by tightening PT GNI's work safety procedures. Many efforts have been made to minimize risks and continue to be committed to preventing work accidents.

In response to this, the Ministry of Manpower has set special signs in work procedures. This work safety regulation is also maximally implemented by PT GNI. In addition, here are some of PT GNI's efforts in tightening PT GNI's work safety procedures:

  • Routinely conducts training on handling work accidents by cooperating with Basarnas of Palu city.
  • PT Gunbuster established a work safety and health committee (P2K3).
  • PT GNI's work safety and health commitment and pledge.
  • Testing work safety aspects, from heavy equipment and operations to work environment conditions.
  • Regularly organizing training and certification activities related to security, safety and health.

PT GNI's Role in Labor Market Expansion

PT Gunbuster Nickel produces products that will continue to be used in everyday life. Therefore, PT GNI continues to make development efforts and opens opportunities for new generations to join.

The need for PT GNI workers will also continue to increase along with its development. Therefore, cooperation with the Ministry of Manpower and the North Morowali Regional Government is carried out to attract a committed workforce. In the future, PT GNI plans to expand its workforce capacity to tens of thousands of workers.

Image source: PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry

Source: www.kompasiana.com/PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry Jalin Kerja Sama Untuk Perluasan Pasar Kerja


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