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Aneka Tambang (ANTM) will stop using coal power plants


Thu 30 Nov 2023, 12:00 PM



PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) plans to abandon electricity from coal plants and is looking for alternative energy with lower emissions.  

Antam's Director of Business Development, I Dewa Wirantaya, stated that his party has two principles in implementing the energy transition, namely implementing sustainable alternative energy (Renewable Alternative Energy) and energy efficiency so that emissions can be reduced. 

Several work plans are mapped based on the 2021 baseline which is divided into 4 parts, starting from the current plan (current program), short term plan (2024-2026), medium term (2027-2030), and long term (2031-2060). 

"In the long term plan, with the entry of PLN in Pomalaa, the PLTU can be stopped and we use other alternatives. "This is what makes the biggest contribution to the long-term energy transition," he explained in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday (27/11). 

Currently, he continued, most of the electricity supply in Pomalaa uses PLTU. So his party started looking for new renewable energy (EBT) alternatives through collaboration with a number of parties. 

His party has conducted a study on the implementation of clean coal technology in Tanjung Buli in collaboration with several providers. Apart from that, his party will also utilize biomass for co-firing in several subsidiaries. 

In its presentation material, in the 2030-2060 plan, ANTM plans to have a Steam Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) equipped with Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) in Feni Haltim (FHT), PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (ICA), PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia (BAI). 

Then, the use of new, renewable energy-based electricity in the Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit (UBPN), West Kalimantan Bauxite Mining Business Unit (UBPB), and Mempawah. 

Apart from that, the use of electricity from the PLN-Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) (gas generator) in the UBPN Malut-PLN UBPN Malut-PLN Ferronickel Factory Development Project in East Kalimantan. 

Biomass is used as a reductant in a number of facilities ranging from smelters, the Haltim ferronickel factory construction project, to nickel business units. 

Apart from that, there are several other initiatives being undertaken in the long term plan, namely the use of technology in the form of replacing mining equipment with electrical equipment. Using low-emission fuel oil in all business units. 

His party will also install PLTS Rooftops for all employee housing and mining areas. Not only that, gas is used as energy in process equipment at UPBN Kolaka, P3FH Konut, and FHT. 


Source: www.investasi.kontan.co.id/Aneka Tambang (ANTM) akan Stop Gunakan Pembangkit Batubara untuk Operasional Bisnis


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