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Consistently Implementing Sustainability, Antam Remains a Member of the ESG Index


Fri 12 Jan 2024, 08:00 AM



The management of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) revealed that the Company remains part of the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

As is known, ANTM shares are listed in the SRI-KEHATI Index, IDX KEHATI ESG Sector Leaders Index and IDX KEHATI ESG Quality 45 Index for the trading period December 2023 to May 2024.

Elisabeth RT Siahaan, Finance Director of ANTM, in a statement, quoted Tuesday (9/1/2024) stated that ANTM's persistence as a member of the ESG index shows ANTM's consistency in carrying out sustainable business management efforts that prioritize sustainability through concern for the environment, social, and implementing good corporate governance.

According to Elisabeth, ANTM is committed to managing operational, environmental, and social performance in a sustainable manner based on the principles of good corporate governance.

"In order to support this commitment, ANTM implements concrete steps to realize sustainability by starting from the application of best mining practices, through environmentally friendly operational activities and supporting the reduction of climate change impacts through decarbonization initiatives," Elisabeth wrote in her statement.

Elisabeth explained, the SRI-KEHATI Index is a stock group index that has a good performance in encouraging sustainable businesses, and has awareness of the environment, social, and good corporate governance or called sustainable and responsible investment (SRI).

The IDX KEHATI ESG Sector Leaders Index, said Elisabeth, is an Index that contains stock groups with ESG performance assessment results above the sector average and has good liquidity. Industry classification refers to IDX Industrial Classification.

Meanwhile, the IDX KEHATI ESG Quality 45 Index is an index that contains the 45 best stocks from the results of ESG performance assessment and company financial quality and has good liquidity.

ANTM shares are also part of the IDX LQ45 Low Carbon Leaders Index on the IDX, which is an index that aims to reduce carbon emission intensity exposure on portfolios by at least 50% compared to the LQ45 Index as a parent index.

Image source: ANTAM

Source: www.beritamoneter.com/Konsisten Laksanakan Keberlanjutan, Antam Bertahan Jadi Anggota Indeks ESG


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