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PT Mifa Bersaudara Commits to Aceh Mining Sustainability In 2024


Fri 19 Jan 2024, 09:00 AM



The management and all employees of PT Mifa Bersaudara and all operational partners are committed to continuing to improve performance and implementation of the K3 culture in 2024, so as to maintain the sustainability of the mining business in Aceh.

To carry out this commitment, Deputy Head of Mining Engineer of PT Mifa Bersaudara, Abdul Haris, emphasized that it takes discipline and consistency of all parties to continue to ensure that their work area is protected from unsafe conditions and actions and maintains a healthy lifestyle.

"Hopefully, this joint commitment will make PT Mifa Bersaudara is a safe and healthy place to work, so that employees are more productive in working to achieve the targets set in 2024," he said during the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 National K3 Month at PT Mifa Bersaudara.

 Komitmen Tingkatkan Performa & Penerapan Budaya K3 di Tahun 2024
Commitment to Improve Performance and Implement K3 Culture in 2024 

It is recorded that until the end of 2023, the number of workers in the IUP area of PT Mifa Bersaudara is 2,920, with a total working hours of 6,777,897 hours.

In 2024, PT Mifa Bersaudara has set a threshold for the tolerable statistical level of occupational safety for property damage frequency rate of 3.60 and a total injury frequency rate of 0.30.

"While tolerable occupational health statistics for disease severity based on absenteeism (Absence Severity Rate) of 200, morbidity frequency rate of 120 and frequency of occupational disease (PAK) of 0 percent," concluded Haris.

Hasbuna, representative of DISNAKER Aceh province, expressed his gratitude for the participation of PT Mifa to start this good step of K3 by holding a memorial ceremony involving all stakeholders involved in the company.

He hopes for this K3 to be improved continuously. "Earlier we also heard information that there was a slight excess of the target achievement, so the improvement of work safety, especially in the mine, must be further improved," Hasbuna said.

For him, what is targeted by the management in 2024 can be achieved and this requires support from all parties, especially all employees. so supervision is important in K3 but more importantly, the understanding of all employees, personal safety and company safety are even more important.


Source: www.aceh.tribunnews.com/Komitmen Tingkatkan Performa & Penerapan Budaya K3 di Tahun 2024


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