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Far East Gold Extends Woyla Drill Campaign Following Strong Gold and Silver Assays

proactive Investors

Wed 07 Feb 2024, 12:00 PM



Far East Gold Ltd (ASX:FEG) will keep the rigs turning in the current drilling program at Woyla in Aceh following some impressive assay results from recent drill holes in the Pertama vein zone at the Rek Rinti prospect area.

The company plans to continue with a further 1,500 meters to test for lateral and depth extensions of the high-grade gold and silver it has struck.

Significant resource

The diamond drilling assays received to date demonstrate the potential to build a significant gold and silver resource within the Rek Rinti prospect area.

Drill hole RRD034 intersected ‘bonanza’ grade gold of 0.9 meters at 32.65 g/t gold, 117 g/t silver (34.06 g/t gold equivalent) from 87.2 meters, which occurred within a 27.8-meter-wide mineralized zone of quartz vein and breccia that assayed at 2.49 g/t gold equivalent.

Meanwhile, in hole RRD034R, drilling hit a significant 25.8-meter-wide zone of quartz vein and breccia that assayed at 3.28 g/t gold, 50.59 g/t silver (3.89 g/t gold equivalent) from 66.5 meters.

Extended drill plan

The company will continue to test the Pertama high-grade zone and the adjacent Susi vein with an 8-hole, 1,500-meter program.

These holes will test the Pertama vein at 50-meter spaced holes along the vein strike southwest from RRD034. They will also test the vein and high-grade mineralization to depth.

Four of the planned holes will also test lateral and depth extensions of the Susi vein.

The Pertama vein intersections are consistent with other high-grade gold-silver zones intersected in the Agam and Rame veins within the Rek Rinti prospect area.

High-grade mineralization is interpreted to occur within localized zones of vein thickening related to structural dilation.

The highest grades come from zones showing well-developed ganguro bands containing visible gold and electrum.

These intersections occur within wide zones of quartz vein and breccia containing lower-grade mineralization and demonstrate the potential to build a significant gold and silver resource within the Rek Rinti prospect area.


Far East Gold CEO Shane Menere stated, “We are so encouraged by the observations from the recent drilling at Woyla, that we have decided to add circa 1,500 meters to the resource delineation program.

“As more great results continue to emerge, we hope the resulting drill tip hits to lead to a significant increase in potential ounces for a maiden JORC resource.”

Image source: proactive Investors

Source: https://www.proactiveinvestors.com/companies/news/1040102/far-east-gold-extends-woyla-drill-campaign-following-strong-gold-and-silver-assays-1040102.html


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