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MIND ID Group's Reclamation Program Implements Good Mining Governance


Tue 20 Feb 2024, 12:00 PM



The State-owned Mining Industry Holding Company comprises PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Inalum, and PT Timah Tbk. MIND ID Group is a natural resource management company aware of the landscape changes in mining and mineral processing activities.

Reclamations and biodiversity are, therefore, key material aspects of MIND ID Group's concerns. Precautionary principles are applied in every activity to minimize operational impacts.

According to MIND ID Corporate Secretary Heri Yusuf, MIND ID's reclamation is a form of commitment to implementing good corporate governance and operational practices. "The reclamation is part of the MIND ID Group's mining operational cycle and will continue throughout the operational activities," he said.


MIND ID conducts reclamation as part of the implementation of the company's sustainability concept.  Reclamation is a concrete step taken by MIND ID Group in applying Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).

Heri explained the reclamation that MIND ID Group carried out has been going on since long ago. PT Timah Tbk, a member of the MIND ID Group, has consistently carried out some reclamation programs on land and sea.

"PT Timah carried out a marine reclamation program in 2023, such as artificial reef submergence, installation of abrasion barriers, and mangrove crab restocking," said Heri.

The reclamation programs were done in Bangka Belitung Islands Province and Riau Islands Province. PT Timah synergizes with the community living around the company's operational areas in the reclamation program.

PT Timah has successfully sunk around 1,920 artificial reef units in the waters of Bangka Regency, Central Bangka Regency, West Bangka Regency, and South Bangka Regency. The marine reclamation activities that have been implemented since 2016 are the company's efforts to maintain marine and coastal ecosystems.


"The artificial reef can change the topography of the seabed and the flow of currents that carry food nutrients for fish, which in turn becomes a home for fish to breed," he said.

In addition, the reclamation program aims to support the development of underwater tourism in Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Meanwhile, the reclamation in Riau Islands Province includes 1,000 mangrove crabs restocking and building a 200-meter-long abrasion barrier. The abrasion barrier is part of the company's efforts to maintain coastal ecosystems and prevent abrasion.

Amran, one of the fishermen of Sawang Laut Village, admitted that he was very happy with the mangrove crab restocking program organized by PT Timah Tbk, a member of the MIND ID Group. He said it was directly beneficial for the fishing community and the environment.

"I strongly support these activities because we, the fishermen, will also feel the results with the presence of many crabs, of course, our income will also increase," he said.

Another reclamation effort by MIND ID Group member PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is planting and reforesting the former Grasberg open pit mine area. As of 2023, PTFI has planted 35 hectares of land in the former Grasberg excavation, precisely in the Wanagon area - west of the Cartenz peak at 3,800 meters above sea level - and in the Kaimana area - west of 4,300 meters above sea level.

"PTFI is targeting to revegetate and land stewardship in the former mining area of 65 hectares by 2024. The total land area to be reclaimed until operational closure in 2041 is 900 hectares," said Heri.


Up until 2023, PTFI has reclaimed 507 hectares of ex-mining land. PTFI's reclamation process initially involved land sloping. This was to cover the former mining excavation using limestone or limestone as thick as 5 meters.

This closure also serves as an effort to prevent water seepage. The slope of each stretch is also adjusted to a slope level of about 25 degrees.

As for revegetation activities, PTFI uses local native plants, namely Deschampsia endemic grass that only grows in the Grasberg area. PTFI also has a nursery house to cultivate Deschampsia endemic grass seedlings.

Approximately 10,000 Deschampsia grasses can grow on an area of 1 hectare. PTFI also conducts hydroseeding or fertilization with a sow and spray system. "MIND ID Group's reclamation efforts show the company's commitment to safe and sustainable production activities," Heri said.


Image source: KONTAN / Doc. MIND ID

Source: https://industri.kontan.co.id/news/program-reklamasi-grup-mind-id-terapkan-tata-kelola-pertambangan-yang-baik


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