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Mineral Downstreaming Thrives: Indonesia Counts 187 Smelters by 2023

Bisnis.com / PT. GNI

Tue 20 Feb 2024, 16:01 PM



The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs (Kemenkomarves) reports on performance achievements in 2023, one of which is the development of the mineral processing industry, which has now reached 187 smelters.  

The report was uploaded to the official Instagram account @kemenkomarves, quoted on Friday (16/2/2024). The smelter construction is a major project to boost the downstream policy.  

Meanwhile, the government will continue downstream so that the processing or refining industry and mineral-based industrial estates will continue to develop in Indonesia.

"Through the downstream policy, significant investment growth has been achieved in the mineral processing industry (187 smelters), especially in the nickel industry with 111 smelters," stated the report.

Moreover, the investment growth in the downstream sector has triggered the mineral-based industrial estate growth outside of Java. The condition is believed to encourage the Indonesian economy's development locally and nationally.

Based on data from the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the investment realization in the downstream sector reached IDR 375.4 trillion throughout 2023. The downstream sector accounts for 26.5% of the total investment realization in 2023.

The largest investment was recorded in the mineral sector at IDR 216.8 trillion, including nickel smelter construction at IDR 136.6 trillion, bauxite smelter at IDR 9.7 trillion, and copper smelter at IDR 70.5 trillion.

Furthermore, the downstream investment in the agricultural sector reached IDR 50.8 trillion, forestry IDR 51.8 trillion, oil and gas IDR 46.3 trillion, and the electric vehicle ecosystem IDR 9.7 trillion.

The information is not only about smelter construction. The Ministry has also completed several other major projects, such as the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB).  

Another major project is the Aceh-Lampung Trans Sumatra Toll Road and the National Strategic Project for the prioritized infrastructure development of the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN).

Image source: Bisnis.com / PT. GNI
Source: https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/read/20240216/257/1741507/ri-punya-187-smelter-pada-2023-genjot-hilirisasi-mineral 


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