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KPC Plans to Initiate Two New Mines This Year to Boost Production

CNBC Indonesia / Firda Dwi Muliawati

Tue 26 Mar 2024, 10:07 AM



PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), as a subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), revealed that the company will open two new coal mining locations (pits) shortly.

KPC Chief Operation Officer and Head of Mining Engineering, Hendro Ichwanto, said the company will open two new pits expected to start operating in the second semester of 2024. "There may be two additional pits this year," Hendro said when met at his office, Sangatta, East Kalimantan, quoted on Friday (3/22/2024).

Furthermore, with the plan to add the two pits, the total pits operated by KPC will be 12 pits this year. "As of now, our total operating pits are 12 mines until the end of the year, twelve different pits," he explained.

Later, the two pits, which will be in operation in the second quarter of 2024, will increase KCP's production capacity to one million tons of coal cumulatively annually.

The location of the two newest KPC pits is in the Bengalon and South Pinang East areas. He also said that the operation of the two pits is targeted to be carried out in close proximity, to be precise, around August and September 2024.

"We are targeting in the second semester of this year between September and August, at most," he said.

During the same occasion, Hendro also said that KPC's production, which has been approved in the company's RKAB or Work Plan and Budget for 2024, is 53.5 million tons and will apply flat or the same until 2026. "This year, we are at 53.5 million tons. (Per year until 2026) It will be the same, flat 53.5 million tons," he explained.

In his explanation, the realization of coal production in 2023 was higher than the company's production plan in 2024. Hendro said that in 2023, the realization of KPC's coal production reached 54.2 million tons.

"Last year, we reached 54 million tons, while the RKAB was also 53.5 million tons. However, (the 2023 RKAB) was revised to 54 million tons," he concluded.

Image source: CNBC Indonesia / Firda Dwi Muliawati
Source: https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20240322091541-4-524355/genjot-produksi-kpc-bersiap-buka-2-lahan-tambang-baru-tahun-ini 


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