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Archi (ARCI) Reports USD 14.56 Million Profit for 2023

EmitenNews / Foto - Istimewa

Tue 02 Apr 2024, 10:57 AM



Archi Indonesia (ARCI) recorded a net profit of USD 14.56 million throughout 2023. The growth was only 0.06 percent from the previous year's position of USD 14.55 million. Hence, basic earnings per share remained stagnant at around USD 0.0006 from the same period the previous year of USD 0.0006.

The revenue from contracts with customers was USD 249.63 million, increasing by 15% from the same position in the previous year at USD 216.47 million. The cost of goods sold was USD 179.86 million, slightly higher than the previous period of USD 156.94 million. The group earned a gross profit of USD 69.76 million, a slight increase from USD 59.53 million.

Expenses of sales were at USD 1.09 million, from USD 901.93 thousand. For general and administrative expenses, the total was USD 9.51 million, slightly up from USD 8.69 million. Other operations income was USD 5.14 million, lower than the previous year's USD 11.58 million. As for expenses from other operations, it was USD 8.66 million, a decrease from the previous USD 13.99 million.

The operating profit was USD 55.63 million, an improvement from USD 47.52 million. The financial income was USD 186.70 thousand, lower than the previous record of USD 220.82 thousand. The financial expenses were USD 31.27 million, higher than the previous year's USD 20.51 million. The company's share of profit of associates was USD 3.66 million, soaring from the previous year's USD 1.33 million. The profit before income tax expense was USD28.20 million, down from USD 28.57 million.

Total income tax expense amounted to USD 13.44 million, decreased from USD 14.03 million. Current year earnings at USD 14.75 million and rose from USD 14.53 million. The total equity was USD 262.62 million, raised from USD 247.75 million. While the total liabilities were at USD 540.95 million, up from USD 470.06 million last year. The company's total assets were USD 803.58 million, a jump from USD 717.81 million.

Image source: EmitenNews / Foto - Istimewa
Source: https://www.emitennews.com/news/nyaris-stagnan-archi-arci-2023-bukukan-laba-usd1456-juta 


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