One of the nickel mining industries, the Smelter Merah Putih, will soon begin operations in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The nickel mining operated by PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama (Ceria Group) is supported by clean energy sourced from the State Electricity Company (PLN).
"The Smelter Merah Putih is ready to produce green nickel products that will be absorbed by the global market," said Deputy President Director and Director of Corporate Affairs of Ceria Group, Djen Riza, in a written statement on Friday, January 24, 2025.
The Smelter Merah Putih is a National Strategic Project (PSN) and a National Vital Object (Obvitnas). Currently, Ceria Group, which is a domestic investment company (PMDN), is in the final stages of developing a nickel ore processing technology called the Rectangular Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF), as well as preparing for the construction of the High-Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) facility.
"This Smelter Merah Putih is Ceria’s commitment to implementing the government's downstream program. It is expected to add value as mandated in the 5th and 6th Asta Cita of President Prabowo Subianto, which are to continue the downstream program and promote growth, economic equality, and the eradication of poverty," he said.
The Secretary of the Regional Government (Sekda) of Southeast Sulawesi, Asrun Lio, stated that the progress of the Smelter Merah Putih National Strategic Project (PSN) has been very significant. He is optimistic that Ceria's RKEF smelter will be fully operational by April 2025.
"We are grateful for Ceria Group’s contribution because thousands of people from various ethnic groups across Indonesia are now working at the smelter," said Asrun during his visit to the Smelter Merah Putih Ceria Nugraha Indotama’s PSN progress in Wolo District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, on Wednesday, January 23, 2025.
According to data from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Southeast Sulawesi Representative, the construction of the Smelter PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama has reached 97.05%. This project has been under development since 2019.
The achievement of the target is measured based on 13 indicators. Some of these include project preparation, land provision, spatial planning, project financing, government guarantees, licensing/non-licensing, prioritization of domestic components, physical construction, project supervision and control, project regulations, job creation, and utilization.
Using Clean Energy
Asrun appreciated the use of clean energy by Ceria Group’s smelter, sourced from the Bakaru Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) within PLN’s transmission network. The hydroelectric plant has received a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC).
He also directly witnessed the presence of the Floating Power Plant or Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP) with a capacity of 2 x 60 MW, which has been docked at the Wolo Special Terminal. This BMPP is already connected to the PLN Kolaka network to ensure the reliability and stability of the Ceria Group smelter’s electricity supply.
The Acting Regent of Kolaka, Muh Fadliansyah, commended Ceria for utilizing 100% local labor. "Ceria has made a significant contribution to Kolaka Regency. In fact, now all the people in Wolo have been absorbed as workers in the company," he said.