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Mechanical Sampler

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McLanahan Sampling Systems have been successfully used in a variety of industries for almost 40 years. They are designed to precisely and accurately collect consistent samples for quality analysis with minimal operator interaction. They eliminate the need for manual sampling in potentially hazardous areas and allow operators to collect samples remotely. McLanahan Sampling Systems improve the quality control of the bulk materials that are produced, as well as eliminate any potential sample collection bias. 

McLanahan Sampling Systems help clients show they are serious about the consistency of their products – either shipped or received. All sampling systems are designed to offer the best possible solution to a potentials client’s sampling application, while meeting or exceeding sampling standards set forth by important standards organizations, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ISO and many others. McLanahan Sampling Systems ensure that the producer is shipping the quality of product specified in the buyer’s agreement and that the customer is receiving the quality of product they are expecting. 


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