Sizers have a direct drive arrangement and low-profile design that allows wheel mounting for a movable configuration. The preferred method of installation is to mount the unit on rails with a non-rigid connection between the feed and discharge chutes. Since the drives are attached to the mainframe of the sizer, the entire unit can be rolled out from the feed stream to facilitate maintenance.
Sizers are typically used in applications where the material being crushed has natural fracture plains and lends itself to compression crushing rather than attrition crushing or impact crushing. Coal, salt and phosphates are very common applications where Sizers are specified. They are also very well-suited to crushing applications where the product is found in high clay bands and requires liberation from the clay as well as size reduction.
Sizers are recommended for applications where a 4:1 ratio is required. However, due to the low profile and relatively small footprint, these Sizers are often nested to deliver multiple phases in a single flow.