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RPMGlobal overcomes significant technical challenges to deliver feasibility study for a nation building energy project

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RPMGlobal, in cooperation with its consortium partners Fugro Land Germany GmbH (Fugro) and Mibrag Consulting International GmbH (Mibrag), and in consultation with its client, Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL), recently completed a feasibility study for the development of the Dighipara Coal Field. 

The program encompassed an exploration program thatincluded the completion of sixty fully cored boreholes, a 3D seismicsurvey (acquisition, processing and interpretation), laboratory analysisof coal quality, gas composition and gas content, spontaneouscombustion assessment and geotechnical characterisation, as well asa battery of hydrogeological and geotechnical field studies. In parallelto this, the technical project team undertook development of aresource model of the deposit and generation of a Statement of CoalResources and a three phase resource development planning projectthat covered assessment of open cut versus underground mining as well as a detailed optioneering analysis.

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