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Archi Indonesia (ARCI) 2022 is Affected by a Natural Disaster in One of the Mining Pits

Wed 13 Apr 2022, 15:07 PM



Earlier this year, on January 2, 2022, a natural disaster occurred which affected one of the pits belonging to a subsidiary of PT Archi Indonesia Tbk ( ARCI ), PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. ARCI management said that one of the natural disasters caused damage to the working walls of the mine. With the occurrence of this disaster, Corporate Secretary of PT Archi Indonesia Tbk Harry Margatan said after the natural disaster that affected one of the Company's pits, management had adjusted the capital expenditure requirement. 

"However, some of the capital expenditure allocated for exploration will continue to be carried out with a focus on the East (Eastern Corridor) and West (Western Corridor) areas," he explained as quoted by, Wednesday (13/4). 

Not only having an impact on capital expenditure, based on the situation related to the natural disaster, ARCI management estimates that gold production in 2022 will be affected by around 25% compared to production in 2021, and further on financial performance.   
Unfortunately, until now Harry has not been able to reveal exactly how much the final capex figure and financial performance will be this year. 

Nevertheless, ARCI management has prepared a strategy to continue to face this year.
Archi Indonesia plans to focus on full optimization of mining activities in the new Toka, Kopra and Alaskar pits. Then, ensure that the pits affected by the disaster are able to operate again according to schedule. 

Not only that, ARCI will also continue to implement strategic measures for cost efficiency, especially the costs of mining and processing activities. 
And ensure the continuity of exploration activities in the West Corridor area as well as the identification of other 
Brownfield and Greenfield targets aimed at increasing Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves; 

ARCI will also pursue the refining business as part of the Company's vision to become an integrated gold mining company. 
Regarding developments regarding ARCI's export activities this year, until March 2022 Archi Indonesia has realized capital expenditures for exploration activities of US$ 1.31 million or equivalent to Rp 18.8 billion. 

Launching the exploration report submitted by ARCI management on April 11, 2022, the exploration activities carried out by Archi Indonesia through its subsidiaries PT Meares Soputan Mining and PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya focused on mapping activities in greenfield areas and soil sampling programs and semi-detail to detailed mapping of the area.
brownfield in the western corridor 

In addition, his party also carries out Exploration drilling and development of Gold Resources ( 
Resource Definition ) at the Wesco Project and Exploration drilling in the southern part of the Marawuwung Prospect.  The cost of exploration activities issued by ARCI in January-March 2022 is US$ 1.31 million. In detail, the exploration cost in January 2022 was US$ 479,910 or equivalent to Rp 6.9 billion, in February it was US$ 419,773 (Rp 6 billion), and March was US$ 411,920 (Rp 5.9 billion). 

As of March 2022, the total drill points and drilling depths that have been realized by ARCI are around 11 points and 2,882.9 meters, respectively. 


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