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Implementing Good Mining Practice, TIA Wins ASEAN Coal Awards

Tue 29 Aug 2023, 09:00 AM



In line with the government inviting all parties to work together to reduce carbon emissions, PT Tunas Inti Abadi (TIA) managed to record a potential carbon sequestration in the reclamation area of ​​80,735 tons of CO2eq through mangrove rehabilitation at the port of 4,365 tons of CO2eq, as well as rehabilitation of watersheds (DAS) 105,925 tonnes CO2eq. This activity is a development for the community in achieving better social, economic and cultural conditions.

Since 2013 TIA has taken several steps to reduce carbon emissions, including rehabilitating the watershed which covers 2,068 ha of land. This achievement exceeds the company's regulatory obligations which amount to only 1,745 ha. Of this total, 1,736 ha are located in the Sultan Adam Forest, South Kalimantan.

This concrete action made the company under the auspices of ABM Investama (ABM) win the 1st runner up award from the ASEAN Coal Awards in the Best Practices in Coal Surface Mining category. "The awards we have won are inseparable from our commitment to implementing good mining practices. We realize that it is important for mining companies to protect the environment, worker safety, and manage mine waste so that it has a positive impact on the environment. This award is an incentive for us to be even better in the future,” said PT Tunas Inti Abadi (TIA) Director Dadik Kiswanto after receiving the award from the Director-General of the ministry's General Department of Mines and Energy Cambodia Victor Jona recently.

The ASEAN Coal Awards is a routine activity held every two years by the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE). This activity is a form of ASEAN regional commitment in promoting the use of coal technology while still paying attention to the environment.

One of the ASEAN Coal Awards assessment standards is the company's impact on the environment and human resources. In its assessment, TIA managed to get a high score for community development through the rehabilitation program. This rehabilitation program has directly benefited 1,200 members of the local community of the Alimpung Forest Farmers Group who have been earning income from tapping rubber since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out.

Meanwhile, in terms of productivity, the volume of coal produced by TIA continues to increase. In 2016 the company produced 5.82 million tons of coal from only 112,000 tons in 2009. Not only that, TIA also contributes to the energy security of ASEAN countries through the supply of coal, including exports to Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand. This amount excludes fulfilling the obligation to supply coal to the country (Domestic Market Obligation/DMO).

TIA's involvement in carrying out good mining practices is also implemented in K3 in the mining area and focuses on developing human resources as well as employee skills. During 14 years of operation, TIA recorded 56 million manhours with Zero Fatalities. In the last three years, the Company has also managed to invest more than US$ 105,475 and 7,786 hours for training programs as well as skills development.

“All of the company's operational activities are of course carried out with great care. The company also continues to educate regarding the importance of employee safety and resilience. Routinely, we hold OSH briefings, describe OSH values, and provide training and certification to employees of all levels," explained Dadik.

Likewise, Director of PT ABM Investama Adrian Erlangga, added, the award won by TIA is proof that the company is capable of realizing the role of mining in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is because mining activities not only prioritize profits, but also environmental aspects and worker safety.

“We never stop thanking all parties for encouraging us to continue to provide the best performance. We assess the impact of implementing governance within the ABM Group in line with increasing social and environmental responsibility, so that it has an impact on sustainable company performance," said Adrian.

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Source: Good Mining Practice TIA Raih Penghargaan ASEAN Coal Awards

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