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PT Timah (TINS) Receives ESDM Approval for Projects at Old Koba Tin Mine

Bisnis-Denis Riantiza

Fri 22 Nov 2024, 19:36 PM



The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is set to approve the exploration plan submitted by PT Timah Tbk. (TINS) in the former Koba Tin mining area, which falls under a Special Mining Business License Area (WIUPK). Tri Winarno, the Director General of Mineral and Coal at ESDM, confirmed that the ministry has completed its review of the permit application from the company. He expects the approval to be issued next week.

"As far as I know, it’s nearly done, everything is in order. So, the approval should be granted by next week at the latest," Tri said during a meeting at the ESDM Ministry in Jakarta on Friday, November 22, 2024.

PT Timah Tbk. (TINS) will focus its exploration efforts on the Merbuk and Kinari blocks, located within the mining ring of Central Bangka.

Tri Winarno, the Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), stated that the prospects for the former Koba Tin mine—once a joint venture between Malaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC) Berhad and PT Timah (TINS)—remain promising. MSC Berhad held a 75% majority stake in PT Koba Tin.

“The tin grade was once the same as nickel at 1.5%, but now it can still be sold down to 0.9%, similar to the leftover tin from mining,” he said.

Previously, the government handed over the management of the former Koba Tin land to TINS and three BUMDs (state-owned enterprises), forming a consortium called PT Timah Bemban Babel in September 2013.

 However, the consortium dissolved. TINS decided to withdraw from managing the mine because the government had not made a decision regarding the mine's status, which was planned to become a WIUPK (Special Mining Business Permit Area) after the Koba Tin contract for the 41,344.26-hectare area ended in 2013.

Recently, through the decision letter of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. T-67/MB.04/MEM.B/2024 dated February 1, 2024, the former PT Koba Tin land was handed over to TINS for further management. 

TINS has since applied for an exploration permit to assess the tin ore potential in the Special Mining Business Permit Area (WIUPK) of the former PT Koba Tin. 

TINS President Director Ahmad Dani Virsal said the exploration is being carried out to evaluate the remaining tin potential in the area once mined by PT Koba Tin. 

"That’s what we will evaluate, and if there’s still potential, we will request from the government to manage it ourselves," said Dani when met in Jakarta on Friday (22/11/2024).

Image source: Bisnis-Denis Riantiza

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