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06 Feb 2023, 10:33 AM

Bumi Resources (BUMI) Plan to Start Downstream Project in 2023
PT Bumi Resources Tbk ( BUMI ) oversees the coal downstream agenda. BUMI hopes to start construction work on its subsidiary's coal downstream project this year. "We are currently evaluating the project and selecting options with a commissioning target of around 3 more years or more," said BUMI Director and Secretary, Dileep Srivastava to, Monday (6/2).As is known, BUMI is overseeing the agenda of 2 coal to methanol gasification projects through its subsidiaries, one of which is carried out by PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC). According to the plan, KPC will work on the construction of a coal-to-methanol processing facility in Bengalon, East Kalimantan. In this project, BUMI as part of the Bakrie Group is collaborating with Ithaca Group and Air Products. Later, KPC will act as a supplier of coal for the gasification facility, the projected need is around 6.5 million tons. The input will then be processed into 1.8 million methanol per year.Other projects are carried out by another subsidiary, namely PT Arutmin Indonesia. Just like KPC, Arutmin will also work on a coal to methanol gasification project on Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. According to the plan, Arutmin will produce as much as 2.8 million tons of methanol per year by processing GAR quality coal input of 3,700 kcal per kg of 6 million tons per year. Dileep has not disclosed how much capital expenditure BUMI will budget to finance the two projects. "It's too early to talk about the numbers at this time," said Dileep.Regarding incentives, Dileep believes that royalty incentives from the government make downstream projects attractive. As is well known, Article 128 A of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation states that IUP or IUPK holders at the stage of Production Operations who carry out the Development and/or Utilization of Coal can be given certain treatment towards obligatory state revenues as referred to in Article 128. The provision of certain treatment in question can be in the form of the imposition of a production fee/royalty of 0%.Source:
06 Feb 2023, 08:05 AM

Ancora Indonesia Resources (OKAS) Will Start JORC Gold Mining in March 2023
PT Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk ( OKAS ) gold mining project in West Lombok will enter a new phase in the first quarter of 2023. OKAS Main Director, Rolaw P. Samosir said, his party would start work on the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) for the gold mine in March 2023. This activity, said Rolaw, will produce more accurate information on the number of reserves. "The activity is to carry out additional drilling ," he told, Monday (6/2).As is known, the mining business permit (IUP) of OKAS' subsidiary, namely PT Indotan Lombok Barat Bangkit (ILBB), for a gold mine in West Lombok was declared valid and legally enforceable in August 2022. This policy was set forth in the decision to cancel the business license revocation of a subsidiary company numbered 20220829-08-01-0003. According to estimates, mining JORC activities in West Lombok will cost around IDR 40 billion - IDR 45 billion. It's just that, OKAS admitted that they could not confirm exactly how much money was needed to fund these activities.Taking a peek at the company's interim financial reports, OKAS still has Cash and Bank End of Period of US$ 4.52 million as of last September 30, equivalent to approximately Rp. 65.63 billion if US$ 1 is assumed to be equivalent to Rp. 14,500. The amount of cash increased by 9.14% compared to the Cash and Bank position at the Beginning of the Period (2022) which amounted to US$ 4.14 million. For a bit of information, OKAS posted profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent entity, aka a net profit of US$ 6.81 million in January-September 2022 after previously posting a net loss of US$ 3.87 million in January-September 2021.This achievement was achieved in line with the increase in revenue inscribed by the company. Just so you know, the company's interim financial report states that OKAS' net sales rose 48.58% on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy) from the original US$ 77.30 million in January-September 2021 to US$ 114.85 million in January -September 2022.  Rolaw said, currently his party is preparing for JORC. He estimates that JORC activities will take approximately 9 months. "(JORC activities) will be continued with the construction of infrastructure and factories (gold processing)," he added. According to the plan, OKAS will start construction of the factory in the first quarter of 2024. If nothing goes wrong, construction of the factory is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2025.Source:
05 Feb 2023, 14:34 PM

Agincourt Resources Will Reduce Gold Production by 20% in 2023
PT Agincourt Resources will reduce the volume of gold production from the Martabe Mine in Tapanuli by around 10% to 20% this year compared to 2022 which reached 280,0000 ounces. Deputy President Director of Agincourt Resources Ruli Tanio said that gold production in 2023 will be slightly pressed so that we can concentrate in the long term to improve the balance of ecosystems, especially in maintaining biodiversity."Currently, we are managing our gold production a little. From a production standpoint, it will drop by 10-20%. This is so we can concentrate and prepare long-term issues related to environmental issues so that from a mining perspective it can be sustainable," he told the media crew, Friday (3/ 2). Even though there will be a decrease in production in 2023, Agincourt is optimistic that revenue and net profit in 2023 will be positive in line with rising gold prices."We want to be careful. Revenue or profit depends on the price of gold, now the price of gold is continuously rising," he explained. In addition, Agincourt also pays attention to several aspects of mining so that it does not have a negative impact on the environment because the company's mining area is in the vicinity of forests. Ruli said, mining activities are not easy. Agincourt must follow government regulations such as the exploration process takes 8 to 10 years and requires permits to be able to explore in the forest."Currently, there are Purnama, Ramba Joring, Barani, and Tor Uluala producing gold at Agincourt. But at Tor Uluala there are no activities yet, we are still processing exploration permits," he said. Agincourt is also preparing a design related to the plan to build a mini-hydro power plant (PLTMH) by utilizing water flow from the tailings management facility (TMF). "The project will be built this year. Currently there are still some problems related to the design, it's a bit complex. Hopefully this second semester can be implemented," he added. Ruli conveyed that the development of mini-hydro electricity in the early stages would be built at two points of 1 MW with modular technology. "We have prepared funds of around US$ 2 million, from part of the capex (capital expenditure) that we have prepared this year," he said. According to Ruli, the power generated from the mini-hydro will be used to support the mine's operational electricity needs. For information, Agincourt Resources has operated a 2 MW solar power plant (PLTS) in the mining area.Source:
01 Feb 2023, 15:02 PM

Jokowi Asks Banks to Simplify the Smelter Loan Process
President Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) asked the banking industry not to make things difficult if someone wants to apply for credit to build a smelter. "If someone applies for credit to build a smelter, they are given it. Let alone our own people, don't make it difficult. It's clear, fortunately it's clear, it's clear for the state, it's also clear for the company. What should we ask again?" said Jokowi at the Mandiri Investment event . Forum, at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta , Wednesday (1/2).Of course this is in line with the policy of downstream mining products and the prohibition on the export of raw materials. Such as banning the export of nickel ore, bauxite and copper. The government is even planning to ban tin exports. "In the future, we can build this big ecosystem, the nickel is integrated with the copper, integrated with the bauxite, integrated with the tin because these are on different islands, can be integrated and produce what are called EV batteries, lithium batteries, that's it. us, I don't know how many times the added value will appear," explained the Head of State.RI 1 added, if possible, Indonesia would later become the largest producer of electric cars in the world. "I don't know what number the added value that appears is anymore, because it hasn't happened yet. My estimate is in 2027/2028 if we are consistent, so this is an item. Don't be afraid, be consistent, and keep on guarding. He also hopes that in 2045 Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to be at USD 9 to USD 11 trillion. Then if Indonesia is consistent with income per capita it is at USD 21,000-USD 29,000."If we are consistent, our per capita income is at USD 21,000 to USD 29,000, so we are a developed country. But if we are later sued, we will step back, we will turn, it will be better to export raw materials, forget that we are a developed country," he added Source:
01 Feb 2023, 14:32 PM

Implement Mining Private Network, PPA and Telkomsel Sign the MoU
PT Putra Perkasa Abadi ( PPA ) is the first mining service company in Indonesia to implement private network services in collaboration with Telkomsel and is part of the acceleration of smart mining solutions for safer, connected and integrated Indonesian industrial operations. The collaboration was signed by the Director of HCGA & Legal PPA , R. Teguh Saptosubroto and Sales Director of Telkomsel , Adiwinahyu B. Sigit, in a memorandum of understanding ( MoU ) at the Telkomsel Enterprise Solution Day 2023 event in Jakarta, Tuesday.With this, PPA has become part of the digital transformation of the Indonesian mining industry through the use of leading digital solutions that are in line with Telkomsel 's commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler. " PPA is carrying out this initiative in order to be part of accelerating digital transformation in the mining industry sector towards the Indonesian industrial revolution 4.0, this is expected to maximize efficiency and production, besides that it will also increase safety in PPA operations ," explained Teguh Saptosubroto.In this collaboration, PPA applies smart mining from Telkomsel Enterprise which includes the use of private networks , building BTS to ensure private network coverage covers all PPA operational areas , infrastructure as a service (IAAS), and fuel monitoring through connectivity with a high level of reliability and security. tall. This collaboration also allows PPA to have low network latency of under 50 milliseconds to support the ease of automation of every mining activity , operation, and monitoring process in real time, including the implementation of the IoT Intelligent Tank Monitoring System (Intank) for monitoring fuel on each fleet. anytime and anywhere for faster decision making for a better experience in every company activity as well as more efficient cost management.Source:
01 Feb 2023, 09:12 AM

AMMAN Smelter Contributes the Largest Investment in West Nusa Tenggara in 2022
The AMMAN smelter construction project carried out by PT Amman Mineral Industri (AMIN) contributed the largest investment in NTB in 2022. Investment realization in NTB in 2022 reached IDR 21.606 trillion. This exceeds the national target of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) of IDR 18.5 trillion and the target of the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPMJD) of IDR 15.4 trillion.Based on the accumulation of Domestic Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA), West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) is in first place with a total realized investment of IDR 14.61 trillion. Followed by Dompu Regency Rp. 3.28 trillion and Mataram City Rp. 1.60 trillion. In a press conference some time ago, the Head of the NTB One-Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service (DPM-PTSP) Mohammad Rum said the investment target charged to the NTB Provincial Government in 2023 was even higher, namely IDR 22 trillion. "Investment from the smelter that AMIN worked on was the biggest contributor to West Sumbawa Regency for investment realization in NTB last year, as well as in 2023.Various efforts will be made to achieve the investment realization target, including providing convenience in permitting investors to invest in NTB. Apart from that, we also provide guidance, supervision, and acceleration of realization for investors, especially national strategic projects, one example of which is the smelter," explained Rum. Regarding the contribution of the smelter, President Director of AMMAN Rachmat Makkasau said this achievement illustrates the company's commitment to supporting economic growth. "This achievement is the result of a joint collaboration where we see enormous support for smelter construction, both from the central and regional governments," he said.Rachmat hopes that support from the government will continue to be given to AMMAN so that the smelter project can continue to run in parallel with operational business activities. So that other big projects that will increase the investment value can be realized. "Apart from supporting the NTB Province in achieving its 2023 investment target, this is also in line with the statement from the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Mr. Airlangga Hartarto last Monday, who will continue to encourage the realization of the National Strategic Project (PSN) by resolving obstacles related to licensing for investment," said Rachmat.Source:
01 Feb 2023, 09:00 AM

Jokowi: Indonesia 3rd Exporter of Raw Bauxite in the World
PresidentJokowire-emphasized its importance downstream economy. According to him, economic downstreaming can be carried out successfully if all parties are consistent. "Don't just be happy because of the success in nickel. Yes, nickel is indeed an example. In the past, when we exported raw US$1.1 billion when we were still exporting crude. In 2022, I estimate it will be around US$30-33 billion. Dollars. Imagine from Rp. 17 trillion it jumped to Rp. 450 trillion," Jokowi said while giving a keynote speech at the Mandiri Investment Forum, Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (1/2).Jokowi also asked all parties to move forward. Because if not, Indonesia will not become a developed country if it is afraid of releasing existing raw materials. "The downstream mining and oil and gas impact project adds 699 billion GDP and open jobs at 8.8 million. This is a big impact. It opens up as many jobs as possible," he said. Currently, continued Jokowi, Indonesia has stopped exportsnickel. The government plans to stop bauxite exports in December."In a moment I want to announce that copper will stop this year because I checked yesterday's Freeport smelter and the smelter in NTB is more than 50 percent, so Freeport is more than 51 percent. Freeport is already the majority of us. Don't imagine that Freeport still belongs to America." We already have the majority," he said.  "Let me just give an example. Indonesia exports the raw material for bauxite, we are number 3 in the world. It is raw that we export. But our aluminum exports are number 33. Raw material is number 3, sis. Semi-finished goods, finished goods at (number) 33," he said again. Jokowi also revealed that Indonesia is number 31 as a solar panel exporting country in the world. In fact, the materials to produce solar panels are in Indonesia."If we do solar panels, the added value is up to 194 times. Why haven't we done it for decades? What have we done wrong?" asked Jokowi. According to Jokowi, Indonesia is too comfortable with raw exports because it gets the money the fastest. Even if Indonesia produces itself, the country's added value can increase up to 194 times. "PRC, China export number 18. But export solar panels number 1 in the world. Where do these goods come from? Where do the raw materials come from? 80 percent more than us," he said.Furthermore, Jokowi asked all parties not to be afraid. He also gave an example of Indonesia's lawsuit regarding nickel at the WTO which ultimately lost. "Get sued, yes, prepare a good lawyer. But we lost. We lost. We don't know if we win or lose the appeal. Don't fade. If it fades, don't expect us to become a developed country," he said.Source:
31 Jan 2023, 15:12 PM

Government Ensures 17 Smelters to be Built in 2023
The government has set a target of building 17 mineral processing factories or smelters throughout 2023. The construction of these dozens of smelters is aimed at supporting the mineral mining commodity downstream program which started for the first time through a nickel ore export ban policy in January 2020. Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ridwan Djamaluddin, said that the government is currently still prioritizing the construction of nickel smelters. "We plan to have 17 new smelters in 2023, most of them nickel smelters," said Ridwan in a press conference: 2022 Mineral and Coal Subsector Achievements and 2023 Work Program, Tuesday (31/1). Ridwan guaranteed that the government would strictly supervise the construction of 17 new smelters so they could be built before the turn of the year. In his presentation, he said that five mineral smelters would be built by 2022. This figure was below the initial target of seven smelters.The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is also targeting the construction of 12 bauxite smelters as downstream support facilities which are set to commence in June this year. As of this January, there were only four existing smelters with a total input capacity of 13.88 million tons of bauxite which produced 4.3 million tons of alumina output. The four smelters are owned by PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina, PT Well Harvest Winning Alumina Refinery (WHW), and one WHW expansion smelter unit. Apart from that, domestic bauxite production is also refined by the smelter owned by PT Bintan Alumina Indonesia. "We are increasing the tightening because in 2023 all smelters must be completed. We will continue to tighten supervision of the obligation to build smelters for downstream," said Ridwan.Source:


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