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15 Dec 2022, 09:00 AM

PP Presisi gets IDR 1,8 Trillion Nickel contract
PP Presisi has again secured a nickel mining service contract on an ongoing basis at the Weda Bay Nickel Project located in Halmahera.The new contract amounted to Rp 1.8 trillion for the work of adding hauling services. So that the total new contracts until November 2022 are IDR 5 trillion or reach 86% of the 2022 new contract target of IDR 5.9 trillion.The scope of work on the mining service line has been carried out by PP Presisi. Starting from mining development infrastructure such as construction and maintenance work on hauling roads, other infrastructure development, to mining contractors, namely overburden to hauling services."The new contract is in line with the Company's business focus on the mining services sector as a mining services contractor. Repeat Order from the scope of work hauling services in the new contract is a form of trust in us by prioritizing time delivery and quality delivery that can provide added value for stakeholders," said Rully Noviandar as President Director of PP Presisi quoted from a press release, Tuesday (12/13/2022).According to him, in the new contract at the end of 2022, there is a shift from civil work to mining services. Where mining services dominate the acquisition of new contracts by 59% and civil work by 38%Meanwhile, supporting business lines are production plants, structure work, and rental equipment by 3%. In addition, the Company's competitiveness also increased with the acquisition of external (Non PP Group) contracts by 93% and internal (PP Group) by 7%."With the capacity and capability that we have, and difficult to find in other mining service companies, we are an integrated mining services company that not only works as a mining service infrastructure contractor, but is able to provide mining contractor services in a comprehensive and integrated manner," he concluded.Image source: dok PP PresisiSource:
15 Dec 2022, 08:00 AM

Supporting Nickel Downstreaming, Hillcon Builds Port in SEI Industrial Estate
PT Hillcon is committed to supporting nickel downstreaming in the Sulawesi and North Maluku regions. This was marked by a collaboration with PT Satya Amerta Havenport to build a port in the Stardust Estate Investment (SEI) Industrial Estate in North Morowali, Central Sulawesi.Hillcon's collaboration through its subsidiary, PT Hillconjaya Sakti, with PT Satya Amerta Havenport was marked by the signing of a port construction cooperation contract in the SEI Industrial Estate worth 123 million dollars or around IDR 1.927 trillion which will start in 2023.The signing of the contract was carried out by Hersan Qiu as President Director of Hillcon with Wisma Bharuna as President Director of PT Satya Amerta Havenport and President Director of PT Gunbuster Nickel Industri.Hersan said that this collaboration further confirms Hillcon's position as one of the main players in the country's nickel industry. Hillcon has good business growth potential in line with Indonesia's position as the largest nickel producer in the world."With this collaboration, we believe we can develop our business and improve the company's performance," said Hersan.SEI Industrial Estate is a modern industrial estate with the main business field in the nickel industry located in North Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province.The tenants who will occupy the area are PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (1,800,000 tons / year of ferronickel), PT Nadesico Nickel Industry (1,800,000 tons / year of ferronickel), and PT Ideon Nickel Industry Satu (150,000 tons / year of ferronickel).The SEI Industrial Estate, initiated by Jiangsu Delong Group, is recorded to have built four projects spread across Kendari and North Morowali.Hersan revealed, in addition to North Morowali Regency, Hillcon also has a number of nickel projects in North Maluku Province. The Company is involved in two main areas, namely as a mining contractors and infrastructure expert.Citing BPS data, North Maluku (Malut) was recorded as the province with the highest economic growth rate in the world in the third quarter of 2022, reaching 26.94 percent or almost 27 percent cumulatively. One of the main pillars of the economic growth rate in Malut is the downstream of nickel.Therefore, as a nickel mining contractor working in the Sulawesi and North Maluku areas which are nickel mining bases in Indonesia, Hillcon continues to strive to support nickel downstreaming.Hillcon management is also optimistic that it can continue to grow sustainably in line with the growing demand to serve new projects in the nickel mining industry.Image source: IstimewaSource:
08 Dec 2022, 08:00 AM

Bayan Resources (BYAN) Coal Production Target More Than 45 Million Tons in 2023
PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN) continues to spur coal production. Director of BYAN, Russell John Neil revealed, BYAN launched coal production above 45 million tons in 2023.What is the exact amount? Russel has not been able to specify exactly what the coal production figures are planned by BYAN."We are still finalizing our budget, so the final figures have not yet come out," he said in a public expose event, Monday (5/12).As a comparison, BYAN launched a coal production plan and sales volume of 37 million - 39 million tons of coal respectively throughout 2022.With this production plan, BYAN is aiming for revenue of US$ 3.2 billion - US$ 3.4 billion assuming an average selling price (ASP) of US$ 85 per ton - US$ 90 per ton.BYAN Director Jenny Quantero said BYAN is awaiting approval from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for the company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAB)."We have submitted the RKAB, but it is still in the approval stage of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Jenny.In accordance with the ongoing finalization, BYAN's management has not opened up about the projections or revenue and profit performance targets that BYAN is eyeing with its 2023 production plan. However, Jenny revealed that BYAN took a conservative assumption in forecasting coal price projections in 2023.Therefore, he estimates that the company's coal ASP throughout 2023 will be lower than in 2022."Big coal price forecasters like McKinsey and others predict that coal prices will be lower in 2023," explained Neil.Previously, BYAN's financial performance was boosted by the increase in coal prices in the first nine months of 2022.Despite posting a decrease in sales volume from the original 29.3 million tons in January-September 2021 to 28 million tons in January-September 2022, BYAN's revenue and net profit performance rose in the first nine months of 2022.The company's interim financial report shows that BYAN's revenue reached US$ 3.34 billion in January-September 2022 or soared 91.42% compared to January-September 2021 revenue of US$ 1.74 billion.According to the rising revenue, profit for the current period attributable to owners of the parent entity aka BYAN's net profit skyrocketed 150.25% on an annual basis or year-on-year (yoy) from the original US$ 650.32 million in January-September 2021 to US$ 1.62 billion in January-September 2022.Just so you know, ASP BYAN has indeed increased in the first nine months of 2022. It was noted that ASP BYAN rose from the original US$ 59.7 per MT in January-September 2021 to US$ 119.4 per MT in January-September 2022."This increase (performance increase in January-September 2022) is due to the increasing average selling price," said Jenny.Image source: BYANSource:
07 Dec 2022, 10:00 AM

United Tractors (UNTR) Interested in Nickel and Copper Mining
Astra Group's mining company, PT United TractorsTbk. (UNTR) is known to be looking at new metal mines and renewable assets, to reduce its dependence on coal.UNTR President Director Frans Kesuma said UNTR is actively looking for nickel mines to buy in Indonesia. In addition, UNTR is also actively seeking gold mines with reserves of at least 2 million ounces, and copper in Australia and Canada.Bloomberg said that currently 75 percent of UNTR's total revenue comes from coal mining and mining services.Frans said UNTR will not make any new investments in fossil fuels. However, Frans declined to say if UNTR plans to sell its coal assets at this time."We will not drastically downgrade our existing businesses, due to the fact that they are making money for our future growth," said UNTR Finance Director Iwan Hadiantoro.UNTR is listed as building a large-scale solar and water project, after buying shares in hydropower infrastructure company PT Arkora Hydro Tbk. (ARKO) for US$ 11.2 million.Bloomberg said UNTR plans to finance the new projects using cash, with standby loan facilities from several banks.According to Iwan, the acquisition of two metal mines requires an allocation of up to US$1 billion. UNTR is also considering issuing green bonds of US$250 million to US$500 million, to fund renewable energy projects.Image source: UNTRSource:
07 Dec 2022, 09:00 AM

AMMAN Distributes Humanitarian aid to Cianjur
PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMMAN) showed its concern for the suffering of the victims of the Cianjur earthquake, West Java. The mining company, which is headquartered in NTB, sent humanitarian assistance and emergency response personnel to help recover cianjur earthquake victims.AMMAN Summit/Site Director Wudi Raharjo has symbolically handed over humanitarian donations. The assistance was received by Associate Expert Mine Inspector Head of Mining Safety Section of the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal Dwinanto Herlambang, as well as Young Expert Mine Inspector of the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal Alex Sander Lumban Gaol.AMMAN handed over 440 units of mattresses, seven units of tents measuring 25 x 9 meters, logistical assistance in the form of food, and basic needs of children and toddlers, as well as sanitary supplies. AMMAN also sent nine personnel consisting of AMMAN employees and business partners with emergency, evacuation and disaster relief skills.The delivery process is carried out simultaneously based on coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Disaster Preparedness and related local governments. AMMAN Vice President of Corporate Communications Kartika Octaviana said that her party was sorry for the disaster that was happening to the residents of Cianjur. "The humanitarian mission and donations that we distribute are a form of the company's concern to jointly help ease the burden on our brothers and sisters who are being hit by disaster," he said yesterday.Over the next 14 days, he continued, the personnel sent will help handle post-disaster recovery with their skills. For example, the process of establishing temporary housing, distributing, and securing logistical assistance.Image source: AMMAN FOR LOMBOK POSTSource:
07 Dec 2022, 08:00 AM

Jokowi to Facilitates Loans for Development of Tin and Bauxite Smelters
President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has instructed to speed up the construction of bauxite and tin smelters or smelters in the country. However, Jokowi has not explicitly ordered his aides to issue a policy of banning bauxite and tin in by 2023.Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources or ESDM Arifin Tasrif said some bauxite and tin smelters are still under construction. Meanwhile, the entity that built the smelter is the owner of a national bauxite and tin mining permit."There are a lot of funding issues here that will have to be our concern. We will facilitate the funding issue," Arifin said at the Merdeka Palace, Tuesday (6/12).In other words, Arifin will help these business actors to get commercial credit with competitive interest. However, Arifin has not received explicit instructions to ban the export of bauxite and tin in the form of raw materials.Jokowi Calls Minister to Palace to Discuss Tin and Bauxite DownstreamingArifin said the government will still evaluate the impact of the policy of banning bauxite and tin into the country. According to him, the banning policy will be decided by the government.On the other hand, Arifin has not yet set the imposition of export taxes on nickel ore next year. This policy is one of the mitigations prepared by President Joko Widodo facing the results of the decision of the World Trade Organization or WTO.For information, the government is optimistic that it will not win a lawsuit against nickel export ban policy at the WTO. Meanwhile, the report on the results of the lawsuit is scheduled to be received by the government in the last quarter of 2022."We still want to see the condition of the industry," said Arifin.Arifin revealed that the government's defense regarding the policy was rejected by the WTO, which means that there is a possibility that Indonesia will be found guilty and violate the provisions of WTO Article XI.1 GATT 1994 and not justified by articles XI.2 and XX (d) of GATT 1994.He said the government has not thought about implementing an export tax policy or exit duty on nickel ore following a WTO panel ruling that said Indonesia violated provisions related to the nickel ore export ban.Encouraging Downstreaming, MIND ID Asks for Import of Processed Tin and BauxiteEarlier, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia said the first step to be taken in fighting the suit was to appeal. Meanwhile, the second way prepared, one of which is to increase the export tax on nickel ore."So, go ahead and protest us. Go ahead and take them to the WTO, but the country is sovereign. They have agreed in the G20 on downstreaming," Bahlil said at the State Palace in the official channel of the Presidential Secretariat, Wednesday (30/11).The government targets the construction of smelters in the mineral and coal subsector to reach 53 units by 2024. The investment value for the construction of the smelter is estimated to reach US$ 21.60 billion or equivalent to Rp 308.7 trillion (exchange rate of Rp 14,295/US$).Image source: BIRO PERS SEKRETARIAT PRESIDENSource:
02 Dec 2022, 08:00 AM

PYX Resources Ltd Announces Appointment of Raden Sukhyar as A Non-Executive Director
PYX Resources Ltd. announced the appointment of Dr. Raden Sukhyar as a Non-Executive Director, with immediate effect. Dr. Sukhyar received his Bachelor Degree in Geology Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung ("ITB"), Bandung Indonesia, in 1980. In 1990 he obtained his Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in Earth Science from Monash University, Melbourne Australia.Dr. Sukhyar, a highly regarded geologist and Indonesian executive, has vast experience and knowledge of operating in Indonesia, including key government roles. He was appointed as Head of the Indonesia Geological Agency from 2008 to 2013, and as Director General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources from 2013 to 2015. In 2016 he was appointed as adviser to the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia until 2019.He served as commissioners of state owned mining enterprises namely PT Timah (2002-2008), PT Aneka Tambang (2011-2015) and PT Petamina Geothermal Energy (2006-2009). He has been an independent commissioner of PT Vale Indonesia since 2018. He has previously been in charge of strategic policy making in Indonesia which included the following roles: Chairman of Mineral and Coal Mining Bill Drafting - which then became Law on Mineral and Coal Mining No.4/2009; and Chairman of Geothermal Bill Drafting - which then became Law on Geothermal No.27/2003.Image source: PYX Resources LtdSource:
01 Dec 2022, 10:00 AM

Indonesian tin groups ask the government to consider imposing export restrictions gradually
Indonesian tin industry groups on Monday asked authorities to consider implementing a planned tin ingot export ban gradually to allow the industry to develop domestic processing plants.Indonesia last month said the world’s biggest exporter of refined tin is planning to ban exports of the metal in favour of attracting investment to further process it domestically. The timeline for implementing such a ban has not yet been decided.The policy is similar to what the resource-rich country has implemented for developing a downstream processing industry for nickel ore. But unlike nickel, Indonesia already exports high-purity refined tin.Authorities may seek investment in tin forming industries and tin chemical productions, officials said.“We support all regulations that will be made by the government but we ask for their consideration that this downstreaming be carried out in stages,” Alwin Albar, chairman of industry group Association of Indonesian Tin Exporters, said at a hearing in parliament.“We need time to develop the downstream industry,” he said.He added state tin company PT Timah, where he is a director, needs around two years to develop its existing tin chemical production facility and even longer to secure markets for its products.He said a sudden export ban could hurt tin miners and refiners as the domestic market can only absorb about 5% of Indonesia’s output.Alwin also warned that imposing an abrupt export ban while domestic use remains low could trigger smuggling.Ismiryadi, chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tin Industry, told the same hearing that an export ban would affect roughly 30% of economic activity in the country’s tin mining hub, Bangka Belitung Province.A mining ministry official said the government would calculate how much time and investment would be required to develop a domestic processing industry.Image source: International Tin AssociationSource:


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