The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that Indonesia's daily coal production until September 2022 reached 436.82 million tons or 65.89 percent of the target of 663 million tons. Meanwhile, the realization of coal sales has reached 290.50 million tons.
The realization of Indonesian coal production is listed in the Modi of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources . Among the sales realization, namely, the sale of Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) obligations has reached 54.03 million tons. Then exports reached 168.18 million tons and domestic sales reached 123.09 million tons.
Special Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Governance, Irwandy Arif said, Non-Tax State Revenue ( PNBP ) from the mineral and coal mining sector until September 2022 reached Rp130 trillion. He added that Indonesia is blessed with abundant resources. At least there are currently thousands of Mining Business Permits (IUP) and Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) as well as 60 mining companies holding Coal Mining Concession Work Agreements (PKP2B) operating in Indonesia. "State revenue in the mining sector in September 2022 will be around Rp. 130 trillion," said Irwandy in a virtual discussion, quoted on Tuesday (7/9/2022).
Irwandy explained that natural resource management can be carried out optimally to boost the country's economy. Especially without sacrificing the social, economic and cultural aspects of the community. According to him, natural resources must be maintained and utilized optimally. Especially for the survival of today's citizens without compromising the needs of future generations. In carrying out mining activities, every company must be able to carry out good mining practices as well as good mining standard rules for all mining activities.
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Coal Production Reached 436.82 Million Tons, 65.89 Percent of Target
Wed 07 Sep 2022, 09:28 AM