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Expanding to Australian Market, DAHANA Attends IMARC Australia 2022


Fri 11 Nov 2022, 10:00 AM



PT DAHANA attended the InternationalMining and Resources Conference + Expo (IMARC) which was held at the international Convention & Exhibition Center, Sydney, Australia, on November 2-4, 2022. The presence of DAHANA cannot be separated from the recommendation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to be part of the delegation of the Republic of Indonesia.

IMARC is Australia's largest mining industry conference and exhibition, connecting mining world leaders with technology, finance and the future. The exhibition, which was held for three days, was packed with various discussions that presented world mining experts and entrepreneurs such as discussing Mining Value Chain.

General Manager of DTU 2 DAHANA, Abdul Haris said, this activity is a step by the government to encourage Indonesian companies to expand the market in Australia. There were several agendas that DAHANA participated in in this event, such as being a panel discussion speaker with Deputy Minister of Investment (BKPM) Indra Darmawan, Executive Director of EMR, Toni Manini, and chair of Minerals, Energy & Industry Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC), Geoffrey Gold, in a Conference themed Indonesian Mining and Downstream Investment.

"In the discussion, we conveyed the profile of DAHANA company which has a drilling & blasting services business line in Indonesia, and has served many mines in Indonesia, both with the status of Domestic Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA). In addition, we also explained how DAHANA products have been trusted by the Australian market which routinely imports DAHANA explosives in the last three years," Haris said.

In addition to being a speaker, DAHANA also carried out various other activities, such as participating in the Indonesian Delegation meeting which was also attended by the Indonesian Ambassador, the Indonesian Consulate General in Australia, and the Deputy Minister of BKPM with mining entrepreneurs in Australia. At the meeting, DAHANA conveyed the superior product capabilities and Human Resources that have been trusted in Indonesia and Australia.

DAHANA also had the opportunity to attend a banquet with the Austalia Institute of Mining and Metal Energy (AusIMM), and meet with Australian mining businesses. In this activity initiated by BKPM and AIBC, DAHANA participated in a networking process with several employers and the Workers' Association in the Australian mining sector.

In addition, DAHANA also promotes its superior products at BKPM's booth. Haris added that when at the booth he met with Australian mining industry players. In addition, there are also representatives of Indonesian mining companies, such as Merdeka Cooper and Gold, Agincourt-Martabe, Bukit Asam, and Pama Persada.

"In addition, the Australian government through the Australia Trade and Investment Commission on Natural Resources has also invited DAHANA to hold follow-up meetings with several Australian companies that will have something to do with DAHANA's business. We hope that with the presence of DAHANA in this IMARC Event, DAHANA will become better known in the mining industry in Australia and can increase sales of Dahana products in Australia in the future," concluded Haris.


Source: https://www.antaranews.com/berita/3224337/perluas-pasar-australia-dahana-hadiri-imarc-australia-2022


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