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SOEs Ministry Visits Timah to Ensure Smooth Tin Mining Operations

ANTARA / HO-Humas PT Timah Tbk

Mon 22 Apr 2024, 16:40 PM



Officials from the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry visited PT Timah in Bangka Belitung Islands province to ensure the smooth running of business processes in the state tin mining company.

"Our visit is to learn about the company's business, performance, and strategic steps, as well as the challenges faced in running business," said Muhammad Khoerur Roziqin, Assistant Deputy for Mineral and Coal Industry in a written statement on Saturday.

He urged Timah to stay focused on its operations so that it can make an optimal contribution to the nation.

Meanwhile, Akhmad Fazri, the finance director at the state mining industry holding company MIND ID, said that his company wants Timah to return to its former glory and current market dynamics.

"Given these dynamics, MIND ID and the SOEs Ministry want to see PT Timah recover with the government's regulatory support. Now, tin has been listed as a strategic mineral. This is to secure the mining business with the regulation," Fazri said.

He expressed the hope that Timah's transformation can bring tin back to its golden days.

Timah President Director Ahmad Dani Virsal spoke about the company's business processes, performance, global tin business map, Indonesian tin ecosystem, and the strategic issues faced.

He also outlined proposals for improving tin governance.

"Indonesia is one of the world's tin producers, but there are many dynamics that have occurred in this tin mining business since a long time ago," he said.

He also praised the government, which has supported the improvement of tin governance and industry in the country.


Image source: ANTARA / HO-Humas PT Timah Tbk
Source: https://en.antaranews.com/news/311304/soes-ministry-visits-timah-eyes-smooth-tin-mining-operations 


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