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MIND ID Trial of Artificial Intelligence Technology for Mineral Exploration

Tue 28 Jun 2022, 14:12 PM



The state-owned mining company PT Mining Industry Indonesia ( MIND ID ) is testing the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology and machine learning to optimize mineral exploration activities. The technology is called "Geologging" . President Director of MIND ID, Hendi Prio Santoso said that the digital application developed by the Safepedia team will be used by all MIND ID members consisting of PT Aneka Tambang (Antam), PT Bukit Asam, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Inalum, and PT Timah.

Hendi hopes that the application of AI technology can increase the effectiveness of exploration among MIND ID members. The company continues to innovate in every operational activity to optimize the management of mineral resources and reserves. MIND ID Relies on Three Strategies "The company continues to encourage the birth of ideas and innovations that make the mining industry's business processes more efficient, effective, environmentally friendly and sustainable," Hendi said in a press release, quoted Tuesday (28/6).

Advertisement Geologging has three features, namely safety inspection , drilling process and core photos equipped with artificial intelligence technology. MIND ID hopes that the Geologging application will become a problem solver for efficiency and optimization of exploration activities for MIND ID members. Geologging trials were carried out at Antam's exploration activities in the gold mining business unit in West Java. This application can speed up and calculate samples of drilled rock (core) such as Rock Quality Designation (RQD), and Core Recovery . Hendi explained that the implementation of the pilot program carried out in Antam's operational areas focused on three things. One, field adjustments in the Geologging application according to the needs of officers in the field. Two, the collaboration of AI features on Geologging with Antam's digital logging application "Rinda Emas" .

" Trial and error is needed considering that the use of AI in Core Logging or in the exploration business process is still very minimal," continued Hendi. The Rinda Emas Antam application was developed from the background of the risk of data recording errors (typo errors) , the lack of technology to support efficiency in the exploration world, and the lack of optimization in data collection for digital exploration activities.

The collaboration between Rinda Emas and Geologging is expected to minimize input errors, increase efficiency by streamlining the data collecting process and improve the quality and standardization of geological data and drilling activity data. "The collaboration between Rinda Emas and Geologging is expected to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of Antam's exploration activities," said Hendi.

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