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Harita Nickel Capable of Fulfilling 1.5 Million Electric Vehicle Batteries This Year

Fri 02 Sep 2022, 17:35 PM



Harita Nickel, through PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (PT HPL), became a pioneer company in Indonesia in producing the main raw material for electric vehicle batteries in the form of Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP). PTHPL, which began operating in mid-2021 on Obi Island, South Halmahera, North Maluku Province, now has a production capacity of 365 thousand WMT per year. 

With this production capacity, 
Harita Nickel is able to meet the needs of 1.5 million electric vehicle batteries in 2022 and more than 3 million vehicles in 2040. Harita Nickel's Head of External Relations, Stevi Thomas stated that PTHPL has succeeded in producing MHP by utilizing nickel limonite. low) through High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) technology.

Previously, nickel limonite was not used because its content was very low (<1.3%) and classified as overburden. 
"However, this type now has strategic value and is a material that is sought after by world electric vehicle battery manufacturers," said Stevi in ​​a written press statement, Monday (1/9/2022).

Stevi stated that Harita Nickel's participation in this event was to introduce Indonesia's success in the eyes of the world as a producer of MHP as well as to support climate change mitigation, namely encouraging emission reductions from the use of fossil fuel motorized vehicles in order to achieve net zero emissions and clean energy by 2020. 2060 or earlier. 

He added that while the government aspires to become a major world player in the electric vehicle battery industry, Harita Nickel appears to be at the forefront. 
"Harita Nickel is a pioneer in Indonesia, not only in processing and refining low grade nickel ore through High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) technology, but also taking Indonesia one step forward as a producer of electric vehicle battery raw materials that the world considers," said Stevi. 

Stevi revealed that in addition to optimal efforts in conserving nickel limonite minerals, the presence of HPAL technology is also able to provide other benefits in terms of providing thousands of workers, especially local workers on Obi Island, South Halmahera, as well as other economic contributions in the form of state revenue, regional development in operational areas, as well as improvement and expansion. the reach of community development and empowerment programs.

Stevi further said that the application of the technology is a manifestation of the company's commitment to environmentally friendly operational practices. Likewise, the commitment to sustainability becomes the company's strategy through 3 main pillars, namely climate change, human rights, and governance.

"In addition to placing more than 1,000 artificial coral reefs in the waters around the operational area, Harita Nickel has also rehabilitated mangroves in South Halmahera for 2 consecutive years in an area of ​​20 hectares with a total of 47 thousand seedlings," said Stevi.

Another sustainability program is the utilization of nickel slag waste from the smelter of saprolite (high grade) nickel in the form of building materials, such as bricks, paving blocks, and roof tiles. 

This material has been used for the construction of factory and supporting facilities internally, as well as the building of one of the state-owned banks in the region. 
The use of these materials has obtained a permit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


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