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Adaro wins Gold Award at Global CSR Awards

Thu 10 Nov 2022, 09:00 AM



Adaro once again achieved achievements in the Global CSR Awards (GCA) 2022 by winning the Gold Award in the Excellence in Provision of Literacy & Education Award category entitled Indonesia Bright Future Leaders (IBFL) – College Scholarship Program For Vulnerable and Indigeneous Students In South and Central Borneo program.

The award was received by CSR Department Head of Adaro Energy Indonesia Zuraida Murdia Hamdie accompanied by CSR representative PT Adaro Indonesia Firmansyah at The 14th Global CSR & ESG Summit & Awards™ 2022, Thursday (3/11) in Hanoi, Vietnam.

"The Gold Award for the IBFL program is the result of the assessment of judges who are international CSR and ESG experts, that providing scholarships with comprehensive programs is Adaro's success in creating an impact in the field of education," explained Zuraida.

He further said that the discussion during the Global CSR & ESG Summit & Award, which was attended by speakers and participants from various countries such as Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, India and Sri Lanka, was dominated by topics and encouragement to create impact.

"For us, it is a matter of pride and trust not to stop creating impact and even increasing its quantity and quality," he said.

The Global CSR Awards are a prestigious award event, especially in Asia related to the implementation of CSR programs.

The award is given to companies that consistently demonstrate commitment to sustainability and pele environmental development with the implementation of outstanding programs, innovations, projects and services that have been carried out today.

Adaro's CSR has participated since 2013 at the GCA and as of 2021 has won 18 awards.

This year Adaro won another award from around 350 participants, only 40 participants received the award, one of which was Adaro.

Adaro is grateful to all parties involved in the success of the IBFL program, namely university partners (ULM, IPB, UPN Yogyakarta, UPR), relevant local governments, as well as beneficiary students and other parties who cannot be mentioned one by one.

"Hopefully, this award will be a blessing for all of us," concluded Zuraida.

Image source: Antaranews.Kalsel/ist (Istimewa)


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