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Best Environmental Management, PT Adaro Indonesia Wins Gold Proper Award klhk 2022

Fri 06 Jan 2023, 08:00 AM



PT Adaro Indonesia has once again affirmed as a mining company that has the best environmental management, so it won the 2022 Gold Proper award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia.

Operational Director of PT Adaro Indonesia, Wahyu Sulistiyo in Banjarmasin, Saturday said that the award was handed over by Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin and Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Siti Nurbaya which was received by the President Director of PT Adaro Indonesia, Priyadi, at the Palace of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Thursday (29/12).

This is the fifth Gold Proper received by Adaro, since it was first in 2012, which was continued in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

According to Wahyu Sulistiyo, this award is the result of the hard work of all parties involved.

Wahyu said that the Gold Proper assessment is not only one aspect but involves many aspects, including environmental management, good mining practices, community empowerment around the mine, to the management of supporting factors for operational activities such as security, relations with the surrounding community, and a positive image of the company built in the mass media.

Through this award, Wahyu continued, in the future there will be more and more challenges, so that synergy between functions in Adaro must continue to be strengthened and this proper is in line with the transformation of the Adaro Group which will gradually transform towards Green Energy.

"All aspects of Adaro's operations must synergize to achieve the goal of creating an independent post-mining society," he said.

Meanwhile, Suhernomo, Head of Mining Engineering of PT Adaro Indonesia said, the Gold Proper award cannot be separated from the continuous guidance provided by the District Environmental Service, Provincial Environment Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Directorate of Engineering & Environment of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal ESDM to Adaro.

"We would like to thank the stakeholders who have supported Adaro in winning this award," he said.

"We also express our gratitude to our holding company, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia, which prioritizes the value of the future green company and green leadership," he said.

In this year's proper assessment, PT Adaro Indonesia carries out a superior program for the use of bamboo plants in supporting operational activities and community empowerment programs.

Bamboo, which functions as a carbon sink, oxygen producer, and store of water reserves, is used by Adaro to support its operations.

Such as planted on the side of the hauling road, in the port area in Kelanis, in the post-mining laboratory area, as well as in other areas in the operational area.

In addition, Adaro develops bamboo plants in nursery areas and post-mining study centers in order to synergize post-mining with community empowerment programs.

In terms of community empowerment programs, Adaro initiated the use of bamboo plants as the main commodity in building the Racah Mampulang Cultural Market in Balida Village, Balangan Regency.

The tourist village, which was built by PT Adaro Indonesia in 2019, has now become one of the leading tourist destinations in Balangan Regency that offers bamboo-themed landscape dishes, local culinary, and banjar cultural arts performances.

Image source: ANTARA/HO


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