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Women's Involvement in the Energy Sector in Achieving Net Zero Emissions

Fri 16 Jun 2023, 12:00 PM



The Ministry of Manpower issued a survey entitled "Employment in Data." The survey released in 2021 shows that the number of female workers in the mining sector is only 10,727 while there are 168,711 men.

In addition to the number of workers, there is an imbalance in the average wages received by male and female mining workers. Female workers only receive wages of IDR 4,159,846, while male workers IDR 4,297,820.

Meanwhile, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that the number of male workers in the mining sector reached 1.28 million, while only 115,000 women worked.

To support and motivate women working in the mining industry, PT ABM Investama (ABM) together with its subsidiary PT Cipta Krida Bahari (CKB Group) participated in the Indonesia Miner Exhibition in partnership with Woman in Mining & Energy ( WIME ) with the theme " Shaping the Future Mining .”

ABM Group describes the opportunities in the mining sector for the involvement of Indonesian women in realizing energy downstream and transition to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) in 2060.

“The fact is that mining is still considered a male-dominated field to this day, so that mining work is synonymous with physical strength and hard work situations. This inequality is what makes ABM Group prove that Indonesian women have intelligence and great potential in advancing this sector," said ABM Main Director, Andi Djajanegara, on the sidelines of the event, Friday (9/6/2023).

Overcoming this challenge, continued Andi, requires collaborative efforts from all parties, implementing gender equality, increasing access to education and training, creating a safe work environment for women, as well as having policies that support the balance of work and personal life for Indonesian women.

The development that has been carried out within the ABM Group, namely holding talent and leadership programs for women, including Coaching and Mentoring; holding volunteer activities that focus on women, such as women and financial literacy and others.

“It needs to be underlined that the company provides special training and development that can increase women's skills and knowledge of the mining industry. This training includes skills, technical training, project management and communication skills that help Indonesian women increase their career opportunities," he concluded.

Meanwhile, CKB Group Chief Executive Officer, Iman Sjafei added, CKB Group's involvement in Indonesia Miner was the company's move to encourage Indonesian women to develop their creativity and abilities. This is because women have the potential to play a role in developing environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies to achieve business sustainability.

To raise awareness while promoting gender equality, Iman hopes that in the future mining companies can work with external organizations and institutions that focus on empowering women. This aims to strengthen the spirit of pursuing Indonesian women's ambitions and careers.

Also attending the event was Director of CKB Group Ety Puspitasari, and Division Head of Corporate Communication & CSR of PT ABM Investama Tbk, Emilia Katrina Sitompul. Both of them provided material about Acknowledge Extensive Opportunities for Woman Indonesian Mining.


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