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PT Merdeka Copper Gold Achieved Highest MSCI Rating in indonesia


Thu 09 Nov 2023, 12:00 PM



PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (PT MCG), the parent company of PT Bumi Suksesindo (PT BSI), has emerged as the holder of the highest MSCI ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) rating in Indonesia.

MSCI upgraded the ESG rating of this gold mining company located in Desa Sumberagung, Pesanggaran District, Banyuwangi, East Java, as of October 2023, elevating it from BBB to A.

With an MSCI rating of A, PT MCG automatically stands out as the mining company with the highest rating for metals and minerals in Indonesia.

It's important to note that MSCI Inc. is an international research, data, and technology institution with over 50 years of experience, guiding the global investment community in understanding and analyzing the key drivers of risk, profit, and building more effective portfolios.

As stated on MSCI's official website, the ESG rating aims to measure the management of financially relevant risks and opportunities. The measurement is based on a rule-based methodology to identify the outperformance or underperformance of an industry based on ESG risk exposures and how well the industry manages its risks compared to others.

President Director of PT BSI, Adi Adriansyah Sjoekri, expressed pride in this achievement. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that in September, PT BSI also received four awards for the implementation of good mining practices at the GMP (Good Mining Practice) Award 2023. These awards were in the categories of Technical Mining Management (Primary), Mining Conservation (Primary), Environmental Mining Protection (Primary), and Standardization and Mining Services Efforts (Primary).

Adi encouraged all employees to continue improving so that the achievements of PT BSI and PT MCG continue to grow in the future.

As part of PT MCG, PT BSI is also proud of this achievement, especially since PT BSI serves as a role model for other sites and projects owned by PT MCG.

"Let us continue to contribute to running this mining operation to the best of our ability. We build a safe and comfortable working environment by consistently applying the GREATNESS company values (Growth, Respect, Accountability, Collaboration, Excellence, Safety, Sustainability)," he said on Thursday (2/11/2023).

The implementation of ESG principles is one of the solutions to global demands for the implementation of good corporate governance, making it a crucial factor for investors in effectively and efficiently conducting environmentally conscious mining operations.

"Our achievements in ESG and GMP are strong evidence of our commitment to Good Corporate Governance," said Adi.

Image source: MDKA

Source: MSCI Perusahaan Tambang PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tertinggi Di Indonesia

Image source: MDKA

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