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Harita Nickel (NCKL) HPAL Smelter to Operate in Mid-2024

Harita Nickel

Fri 24 Nov 2023, 09:00 AM



PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk. (NCKL) is targeting the operation of a High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) based refining facility with a capacity of 65,000 tons per year by mid-2024.

Roy Arman Arfandy, President Director of Harita Nickel, revealed that NCKL is currently preparing for the construction of the second HPAL refining facility. This facility is expected to start its operation in the middle of next year.

"The production capacity of Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) HPAL is 65,000 tons of nickel metal per year," said Roy to Bisnis on Tuesday (21/11/2023).

The construction of HPAL is carried out through its subsidiary, PT Obi Nickel Cobalt (ONC). The facility is targeted to have three production lines with a production capacity of 65,000 tons of nickel content per year for Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP).

NCKL has expansion plans by increasing the production capacity of both ferro-nickel and MHP by 120,000 tons of metal per year until the end of 2024. In addition, the ferro-nickel capacity is expected to increase with the planned construction of the third Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF) technology smelter, which is scheduled to operate in 2025.

The construction of RKEF will be carried out through its associate entity, PT Karunia Permai Sentosa (KPS), which is targeted to have 12 production lines with a production capacity of 185,000 tons of nickel ferro-nickel content per year.

Roy emphasizes NCKL's commitment to continue its previously planned projects.

"We will run operations efficiently so that all projects run well and on time," he said.

For your information, Harita Nickel has a mining business license (IUP) covering approximately 9,000 hectares, consisting of four mining concessions. Two mines are already operational, while the other two will be activated to support the supply of nickel ore raw materials in the future.

Roy also reaffirms NCKL's intention to continuously increase the mine life and nickel ore reserves by acquiring new mining concessions and collaborating with local mining companies.

With these projects, NCKL hopes to strengthen its position in the nickel industry and support the growth of the domestic mining sector.

Image source: Harita Nickel

Source: HPAL Harita Nickel (NCKL) Beroperasi Pertengahan 2024

Image source: Harita Nickel

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