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Bukit Asam to Use Carbon Capture Technology


Fri 01 Dec 2023, 12:00 PM



PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) will use carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in steam power plants (PLTU) no later than 2060. This is being done to reduce carbon emissions in Indonesia.

Bukit Asam President Director Arsal Ismail said that the use of CCS technology in PLTU will be implemented no later than 2060. Currently, Bukit Asam is carrying out a pilot project related to CCS in PLTU.

"The plan is for a long-term program or until 2060, CCS can be implemented in existing coal plants," said Arsal in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VII DPR RI, Monday (27/11). Arsal said that the program for using CCS in PLTUs will be implemented at the South Sumatra Mine Mouth PLTU 8, and has been included in long-term business planning.

"Currently we have just completed the Sumsel-8 Mine Mouth PLTU in collaboration with China Huadian with a capacity of 2x660 Megawatts, and it was operational last October. "This is the biggest one included as a national strategic project (PSN), and this PLTU will be utilized for CCS use," he said.

Before using CCS technology in the PLTU, Bukit Asam tried to reduce emissions in its coal plants by using biomass as a co-firing or coal mixture in the PLTU. Not only that, PTBA will also increase the use of hydrogen in mining equipment. "We are also increasing the portion of the new renewable energy (EBT) mix in mining operations," he said.

Business Diversification into the EBT Sector

Arsal said that PTBA has indeed put together a road map for the energy transition until 2060. One of the strategies is to explore business diversification beyond coal, including the development of new renewable energy (EBT) plants.

For this reason, he said that up to this year, Bukit Asam has built six Solar Power Plants (PLTS). The details are, two PLTS are commercial projects in collaboration with Jasa Marga and Angkasa Pura (AP) 2, and four PLTS are social responsibility (CSR) projects.

"So we continue to push this, because we are targeting revenue from the energy business of 30% by 2030," he said.

Although PTBA encourages efforts to reduce emissions, on the other hand he also asks the government to continue to encourage and strengthen regulations for the sustainability of the coal industry to support national energy security while still paying attention to the Net Zero Emission (NZE) target in 2060.

Not only that, he also asked the government to support PTBA's assignment to be able to participate in supporting new and renewable energy (EBT) mix targets, for example the provision of EBT in the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago.

Image source: Katadata

Source: Asam akan Gunakan Teknologi Penangkapan Karbon di PLTU

Image source: Katadata

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