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Antam Records Positive Performance, Profit Reached IDR 2.85 Trillion


Fri 15 Dec 2023, 12:00 PM



MIND ID through one of its members, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam), has proven its positive performance achievements. This was conveyed at the 2023 Public Expose Live held by PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI).

During the event, Antam presented the latest financial performance and operational performance throughout the first nine months of 2023 (January-September 2023). It is noted that Antam has demonstrated positive financial performance growth. 

"As a member of the MIND ID Group, Antam continues to maintain the company's commitment to maintaining the quality of information disclosure for shareholders, one of which is by participating in Public Expose Live 2023," said MIND ID Corporate Secretary, Heri Yusuf.

The information disclosure for shareholders includes several things, such as developments in operational and financial performance as well as Antam's development strategy as the main factor in making investments. 

In Quarter III/2023, Antam recorded a profit for the period of IDR 2.85 trillion. This figure experienced growth of eight percent from the first nine month period of 2022 (January-September 2022) amounting to IDR 2.63 trillion.

Meanwhile, Antam's Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) in III/2023 was IDR 5.40 trillion. This number shows the consistency of Antam's achievements when compared with EBITDA achievements in Quarter III/2022.

The company's net cash flow position obtained from operating activities in Quarter III/2023 also grew 93 percent compared to the achievement in 9M22, namely from IDR 2.06 trillion to IDR 3.98 trillion. This achievement strengthens Antam's financial structure with the position of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the third quarter of 2023 reaching IDR 7.54 trillion, growing 63 percent from the position at the end of the third quarter of 2022 of IDR 4.62 trillion.

As for net sales, Antam was able to reach IDR 30.90 trillion in the third quarter of 2023. The dominant contribution to net sales came from domestic net sales which reached IDR 26.69 trillion or the equivalent of 86 percent of the total.

This achievement is in line with the company's strategy to develop a domestic customer base for main commodities, namely gold products, nickel ore and bauxite. Gold products are the largest contributor to Antam's sales in the third quarter of 2023.

Gold products account for 62 percent of Antam's total sales or IDR 19.29 trillion. In Quarter III/2023, Antam recorded a total production volume of gold metal from the company's mines of 908 kg (29,193 troy oz.) with sales reaching 19,460 kg (625,654 troy oz.).

Meanwhile, the sales contribution of the nickel segment (ferronickel products and nickel ore) in Kuatr also recorded positive results. Antam was able to achieve 33 percent of its total sales in that period.

The sales value of the nickel segment reached IDR 10.10 trillion, growing 19 percent from the 9M22 achievement of IDR 8.48 trillion. In 9M23, Antam's ferronickel production volume reached 15,787 tons of nickel in ferronickel (TNi), with the 9M23 ferronickel product sales volume reaching 14,132 TNi.

As for nickel ore products, Antam recorded a consolidated nickel ore production volume of 10.67 million wet metric tons (wmt), an increase of 72 percent compared to the achievement in 9M22 of 6.22 million wmt. The growth in nickel ore production levels is in line with increasing domestic demand, namely up to 98 percent. In 9M22, Antam achieved sales of 4.75 million wmt, while in 9M23 it increased to 9.41 million wmt.

Furthermore, the sales contribution of the bauxite and alumina segments in 9M23 was recorded at four percent of Antam's total sales. The sales value reached IDR 1.25 trillion.

Throughout 9M23, Antam recorded bauxite production volume used as raw material for ore for the Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) factory as well as sales to third parties of 1.42 million wmt. This figure grew six percent compared to the achievement in 9M22 of 1.34 million wmt.

As for bauxite sales volume, it also increased by six percent. If in 9M22 it amounted to 936 thousand wmt, then in 9M23 it was recorded at 989 thousand wmt.

Meanwhile, the production volume of alumina products in 9M23 reached 114,524 tons of alumina. Meanwhile, the sales volume reached 108,351 tons of alumina.As a member of the

MIND ID Group, Antam is also trying to be consistent in business development projects by focusing on completing the company's strategic projects in 2023. One of these efforts is by starting the initial phase of operating the East Halmahera ferronickel plant with a capacity of 13,500 TNi per year.

Antam also supports the government's target of achieving net zero emissions by 2060 by implementing green energy in the company's operational areas in a sustainable manner. In line with this, Antam is involved in developing an integrated Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery ecosystem in Indonesia together with strategic partners.

Furthermore, in terms of developing downstream bauxite commodities, currently Antam continues to focus on building a Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR) factory in Mempawah, West Kalimantan. The project was developed together with PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum with a processing capacity of one million tons of SGAR per year.

Antam's positive share performance can also be seen from the average daily share trading volume. In the third quarter of 2023, it reached 56.31 million shares with an average daily share transaction value reaching IDR 115.52 billion.

Image source: Antam

Source: Live: Antam Catat Kinerja Positif, Laba Tembus Rp 2,85 Triliun

Image source: Antam

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