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PAM Mineral Group (NICL), PT IBM Ready to Increase Nickel Production


Thu 21 Dec 2023, 08:00 AM



PT Indrabakti Mustika (IBM), a business entity of PT PAM Mineral Tbk (NICL) in the nickel mining sector, plans to increase production.

Ruddy Tjanaka, Director of PT IBM who also serves as President Director of NICL, said that PT IBM's future expansion plans regarding exploration and production are to remain committed to exploration activities in potential Mining Business Permit (IUP) areas. The company carries out an infill drilling strategy to find out more details regarding the condition of resource distribution and reserves.

"PT IBM will increase production capacity by around 39% to match the maximum capacity of the existing Feasibility Study (FS) document. In addition, in the future PT IBM will also revise the FS document to maximize the potential of existing resources and reserves, taking into account aspects of conservation and optimization of marginal reserves," he explained in a press release, Wednesday (13/12/2023).

Quoting NICL's financial report as of September 2023, PT IBM has probable reserves of 3.2 million tons and proven reserves of 1.1 million tons. PT IBM's total assets reached IDR 633.89 billion.

PT IBM has various commitments to sell nickel ore to all its customers, where the largest sales are made to PT Kyara Sukses Mandiri as PT IBM's main customer with various sales contracts.

In 2023, PAM Mineral as a group will focus on increasing nickel production from the previous 2.1 million tonnes to 2.6 million tonnes.

Ruddy Tjanaka said that in the future PT IBM will continue to involve the local community in PT IBM's business activities, where the company is committed to improving the welfare of the community and providing job guarantees. Meanwhile, the community also plays a role as PT IBM's business partner, social control, and even the initiator of Community Development programs.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources awarded PT IBM the Tamasya Award 2023 for the company's achievements in community empowerment development performance.

Award category for PT IBM's implementation in the field of education in internship activities for local communities for the 2022 assessment period. The award was given on December 8, 2023.

Ruddy Tjanaka conveyed that the PT IBM activity that received the 2023 Tamasya Award appreciation was the Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM) in the Education Sector with its flagship program "Training Basic Operators". According to him, the achievement of the Tamasya Award cannot be separated from the support and cooperation of all PT IBM stakeholders.

"For the achievement of this Tamasya Award, PT IBM thanks the Forkopimda of Southeast Sulawesi, the ESDM Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, the Forkopimda of North Konawe Regency, the Mining Circle Community, and all parties who support the implementation of PT IBM's PPM programs," he added.

In the future, PT IBM will be committed to continuing to organize PPM activities. For information, PT IBM runs a nickel mining business in Lameruru Village/Subdistrict, Langgikima District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province.

"The future plan for PPM activities at PT IBM still refers to the PT IBM PPM Master Plan, including continuing programs that have currently received appreciation, and implementing programs that we have designed for 2024. One of the programs that we will excel in is the use of plastic waste (environmental sector) and plant nurseries," he explained.


Meanwhile, at the awards ceremony, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif explained that the Community Development and Empowerment Performance Award (PPM) or Tamasya Award is the government's appreciation for mineral and coal mining business entities that have carried out PPM performance well.

Tamasya, which stands for Tambang Mensejahterakan Masyarakat, was held for the first time by the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal with the hope of increasing the enthusiasm and commitment of mineral and coal mining business entities in implementing the PPM program. As a result, mining activities can run well, optimally and contribute to the prosperity, especially of the communities around the mine, in a sustainable manner.

Tamasya is a form of the spirit of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal to continue to strive so that mineral and coal in Indonesia are utilized for the greatest welfare of the community, especially for people living around the mining area.

Arifin hopes that this award will not only be recognition, but also an inspiration for other mineral and coal mining business entities, to continue to move forward and make improvements in the implementation of PPM. Apart from that, PPM can be a strong foundation for the nation's progress, because when it empowers individuals in society, it is hoped that various other aspects will also become better.

Image source: NICL

Source: PAM Mineral (NICL), PT IBM Siap Tingkatkan Produksi Nikel

Image source: NICL

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