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Royaltama Mulia (RMKO) Reports 47% Revenue Increase to IDR 272.4 Billion / Artha Adventy

Mon 22 Apr 2024, 15:43 PM



PT Royaltama Mulia Kontraktorindo Tbk (RMKO) recorded an increase in operating revenue of 47.4% Year-on-Year (YoY), reaching IDR 272.4 billion. The revenue came from the mining services segment which accounted for 52.2% of total income, followed by rental and construction with respective contributions of 23.3% and 24.5%.

RMKO President Director Vincent Putra said that until the end of the 2023 period, on average, the company has achieved 102.5% of the target, which has been adjusted in the second semester due to operational obstacles that occurred in the third quarter of 2023.

In addition, RMKO also recorded an EBITDA growth of 64.0% YoY to IDR 76.1 billion. The company's net profit in the fourth quarter of 2023 increased sharply by 193.4% YoY to IDR 18.1 billion, bringing the net profit for the year to IDR 19.8 billion.

In terms of capital, the company increased its capital by 111.3% YoY to IDR 246.3 billion. However, liabilities also increased drastically by 151.8% YoY to IDR 535.2 billion, mainly due to an increase in financial debt which reached 284.0% YoY to IDR 259.9 billion for investment and working capital purposes.

Vincent added that along with these investment activities, the company's assets also increased by 131.4% YoY to IDR 535.2 billion.

In 2023, RMKO faced operational bottlenecks as its main client, RMKE's in-house mine, was affected by administrative sanctions from the regulator. Nevertheless, RMKO managed to optimize its financial performance at the end of the year by working on a new business segment, namely the construction of hauling road mining support facilities.

"In the short remaining time, RMKO managed to optimize financial performance at the end of 2023 supported by a new business segment, namely the construction of hauling road mining support facilities," said Vincent Saputra.

Nathania Pricilla Saputra, Finance Director of RMKO, highlighted the impact of operational constraints on the mining segment in 2023. "However, we are grateful that we can still maintain our financial performance in this investment phase with the rental and construction segments supporting our financial performance in 2023," she said.

In 2024, RMKO plans to collaborate with potential mines in South Sumatra and surrounding areas to increase the volume of mining services and the performance of the rental and construction segment.


Image source: / Artha Adventy

Image source: / Artha Adventy

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